I disagree. This guy is a loud obnoxious fan who is there to have fun. College football should be fun, not freaking gang banging. He isn't a jackleg, he isn't flipping people off and he isn't causing trouble. Therefore, he should not have to worry about some drunk jackleg causing damage to his personal property. So what if it is big and obnoxious and of the opposite colors as the home team. Doing something like this is criminal. If the jerks who did this have that much of an anger management issue, they should get help. AFTER their stint in the county jail.
I think some of the problem is the story from LSU always gets bigger....... Like the burning of the tiger tail, it did happen at LSU a few years back but if you hear the story now the whole van was burnt to the ground. It just seems if someone yells "tiger bait" the story on Monday is someone got beatup, their Grandparents were mobbed and the kids were hung........ We have been through this enough to know some bad things do happen, and the small percent of fans need to be taken care of. BTW I saw pictures of the van.......OMG I didn't realize the "Tail" was frigging 15' high..... :shock: I thought it was one of those tails you see sticking from someones trunk..... :lol: I always wondered how that little trunk tail could cause so much damage......
I guess I see having fun as one thing but a loud obnoxious fan driving that van into enemy territory is just asking for incoming mortar fire.
Yeah, but still, you should be able to do it and not have to worry about it. But man oh man that thing is a sore thumb just sticking out for everyone to see.
Can someone upload those pics to imageshack or somewhere and link them here? I don't want to sign up for a pig board just to see his attachments.
Have to admit they are asking for trouble by driving a van like that to a rival home game...... showing your a$$ will get your a$$ burned.