LMFAO, JS, you obviously don't visit that board often. How is he going to be a positive influence, when he is one of em? Did you not read StacyO's thread stating how he let's LSU posters have it over there? I have already posted a number of times over here caddys negative LSU threads he starts on the AU board. Wake up JS, this guy is the biggest kiss ass on TF.
Ok man I believe you. maybe he'll see the error of his ways and change? I did see her thread, I've never been over there before, just have to take ya'll's word on it. Take care! :geaux:
Dream on dhead. I defy you to produce or even recall one single thread I have started that attacks LSU or it's fans. You can't and you won't, because it doesn't exist. You like to cut & paste half-truths and insinuate comments from opposing views for the sole purpose of proving to others that your hatred is genuinely justified. But when folks learn the truth, it just makes you look even less credible than you already are. Sad, really, that you haven't learned that by now. I get it that you hate Auburn - so be it - but I've never been able to figure out why your attacks are so personal to many visitors on this board. In fact, very few of your posts are about football, but rather about content that insults. Whatever gives you your jollies, bro'. I don't speak for Auburn or it's fans, and by know means are my opinions necessarily representitive of the masses. The ITAT board is also not my message board nor do I control or moderate it's content - if you have a problem with it, all I can respectfully recommend is to either address it with the mods over there or don't go there. It's a shame really that certain individuals feel they can check their manners at the door simply because they are behind the anonymity of the keyboard. Interestingly enough, you rarely see similar behavior on the premium sites, just the free boards. Hmmmmm..... I periodically serve a a guest contributor for a regional publication - I write about travel and sports - but the subject of fan behavior on internet sites was a topic of discussion at our most recent writers conference. It's amazing how much social research is being conducted on the behavioral changes of the i-chatters. StaceyO - as far as your comments, I'm not certain of the incidents you've referenced, but I assume you're correct. I've certainly witnessed poor behavior on the ITAT board, as with many others I've visited. But I can honestly say that most AU fans feel positive towards LSU, so I wouldn't draw conclusions from from a few malcontents. BTW - I didn't know you were a female, but it makes no significant difference to me on the validity of your opinions. There are many solid posters on most boards that are women, and they have some respectable knowledge of the game and/or their teams.
Caddy you are full of beans. No one here believes that $h!t your shoveling. You are so jealous of LSU it's poring out of your ears and onto your screen. You are an AU war hawk, which means enemy. I don't care if you write for SI. It looks like you want a tiger fan to say wow you're a writer that’s great, next thing you know you are on the AUboard saying how you have LSU fans kissing your @$$. Well it's not going to happen pal. Stick with your losers and stop bringing our team all that bad luck that AU has. You are the reason why we lost in baseball today not Smoke. We let your stinking luck rub off on us. Now F off.
:geaux: Or how about this one??? http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=caple/040621 don't get national pub. with so-called "piss poor reputations" ....