Another thing is Brady's missing the big, overall LSU picture. LSU fans maybe hyping ourselves into a let down, but the Rose Bowl is with in the realm of possibilities. Brady has scheduled the Tulane game for January 4, 2006, same day as the Rose Bowl. The game is set for the New Orleans Arena, unless the Hornets have a home game, then it moves to the Assembly Center. Let's push just a bit and say the Hornets have a home game AND LSU's playing in the Rose Bowl. Exactly how many fans are showing up? 500? Move the game up to an afternoon start? Yeah, mid-week afternoon game with the student body out the day LSU's football team plays for the National Championship; 300?
Can you reach any deeper for a Brady bash? Geez, why don't you just shoot him and get it over with? :dis:
let's push it a bit more and say LSU isn't in the rose bowl. how many then show up? 600? skip is praying as we speak.
With odds like that can we assume that you have already bought your tickets and made guaranteed reservations in Los Angeles.
May I ask you what your expectations are for this season? An honest answer. No one run off? At last .500 in the conference? The 2nd round of the tournament? On what grounds would you dismiss the man, SabanFan? You do realize that even though a quasi-state employee, he's not protected under the Civil Service Protection, right? I mean, he didn't fill out an SF-10... LOL!
OK, TE. I'm going to explain my position to you one more time. Please create a folder and save this: I have no affiliation with the LSU Athletic Department. No one has (or will ever) checked with me to see what should be done with John Brady. There are LSU employees who are charged with responsibility for personnel matters at LSU. I am not one of them. I have my own family and job to worry about and I leave matters concerning John Brady to the aforementioned LSU staffers. I couldn't "dismiss the man" if I wanted to. As long as LSU doesn't tell me how to do my job, I won't tell them how to do theirs. Got it?
All I will say is that this is going to be a good year for the Tigers. Those of you who stayed away from the PMAC last year need to get out there. It was a lot of fun watching winning basketball. I loved it. Those games against Ark, Ohio st, and Bama were classics man. Great stuff
i just hope brady doesnt hurt your feelings again like he did years ago that made you hate him so much. i hope if you see him he will give you a nice compliment.