All you have to do is watch a game to see how undisciplined this team is. Is everyone else not seeing that?
do you think that this problem started this year, or did they make the final four last year in spite of it?
This team has no bench at all. Big Baby is the only top notch player on the team. Guy's like Lazare, Rolle, Voogd bring absolutely nothing to the table. Looks like we wasted scholarships on Johnson and that other white guard. Who's fault is that?
lazare was a very solid player in the run to the final four. voogd has been terrible, and it is still too early to call out rolle.
I don't think I remember a game where we played "disciplined" basketball under Brady. But I'm not calling for his head this season.
I think this team is the most disciplined Brady team yet. I don't think their shot selection is really that bad. They just miss too many open shots. Glen has been doin a great job of finding the open man when he is double teamed but this guys just can't convert.
Brady can't shoot for the players, but he can coach them on their shot selections. I have been seeing it for years, poor ball movement and poor shot selections. All goes back to coaching.