you sure pick a funny time to post this. lsu just played well against a good uga team on the road. from this game, there is little reason to say they are poorly coached.
He was the teams best threat from outside but make no mistake without Thomas that team does'nt make the Final Four.
I dunno...I live in Nashville and have Vandy season tickets. I thought Vandy was going to have a terrible year the way they started off and figured they would fire the coach after this year. Now they are the second best team in the SEC. I thought LSU was going to Steam Roll everone else and all I see is a group of players running in cement snickers and playing with a lead ball. Go figure. The West has the talent but their SEC play is terrible. And LSU is one game out of first??? I just dunno....
Just to put it out there, I don't consider myself a "Brady Basher", I just call them how I see them and Brady is nothing special of a coach. I never really comment about Brady, I just felt the need today.
Nah, because now anything less than a yearly trip to the Final Four is going to be completely unacceptable. I would hate to be a head coach at LSU.
i wish i didnt agree but i do. lsu isnt a good place to coach a basketball team, the community just isnt into it.
You Brady bashers are idiots. This team plays hard and plays great defense. If this team was poorly coached with no disipline it would not be holding SEC teams in the 60's. This team strugels with its outside shots. They are getting good looks just not making enough of them. CJB cant shoot it for them. I know all of you are great basketball minds. And really understand the game. But BBall does not play bowl games they play a season ending tournament. So what might be concerning now might not be so concerning at the end of the season. Remember last year or are we to concern with what Nick Saban is doing.