Dean, dh foul, 0-1 1-1, changeup 2-1, fast ball misses Strike, low and inside, wide zone, 2-2 Curve, ball (close) full count Walk Lead off runner on first. LSU :tigbas: 0 USCe 1
Gibbs, catcher, to bat foul, 0-1 1-1, inside Slow curve, strike, 1-2 fouling 2-2 Fly to lf, caught. Dyson (SC pitcher) just a freshman, not looking like it at present Runner on 1 one out LSU :tigbas: 0 USCe 1
Me too, and there are people that are checking in on Blackberrys and it is dangerous to respond while driving (I know this from personal experience)!
Helenihi, rf, to bat Big bender, strike one 1-1, high time to start hitting, Tigers Foul, 1-2 2-2 way outside Full count now Runner goes, foul, batter slaps at it to foul it off, X 2 Pop up to 2nd. Two out Runner on 1 LSU :tigbas: 0 USCe 1
Mack at bat, one of Verdugo's 7 Ks Ball one Pop up into shallow center, caught by Schimpf at 2nd One out LSU :tigbas: 0 USCe 1
Wingo to bat. lhb Strike one foul, 0-2 1-2, just miss low and away K looking Two outs LSU :tigbas: 0 USCe 1