dunno who did they lose to? kinda harsh drop. maybe they've been struggling then decided it was time.
I think we could take any of the top four teams in a two of three. It would just depend where it is played. At the Box or on a neutrel site we take it. Out of curiosity anybody know the word on Nall.
From what I hear, he's done- his injuries are too bad to fix them for this year. Maybe next year? That kid was awesome
Nall's career my be over from what I hear. That's how bad his tear was. Why all of a sudden are polls so great? How quickly people forget how much bitching there was about the football polls. No one bitches about the bball ones because were never in it. It all depends on you preseason ranking and if you just semi live up to the hype like Kansas State. Personally, the polls do not matter as much, only the power rankings because that determines if we get a super or not.
This article from Boyd's World is a little dated, but interesting nevertheless. Note LSU's RPI was 7th. http://www.boydsworld.com/breadcrumbs/firstlook2004.html