Tigerm, I sent you a reply. Ok, heres what Im going to do. When I get home tonight, Ill convert everything thats on the CD and post it on some webspace I have. After I get everything up, Ill post the link, and anybody can download anything they want.
here you guys go: Tiger Rag http://www.lsusports.net/songs/tigerrag.wma Pregame - Touchdown for LSU http://www.lsusports.net/songs/pregame.wma Fight For LSU (556k .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/fightforlsu.wma Hey Fighting Tigers (761k .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/heyfightingtigers.wma LSU Alma Mater (423k .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/almamater.wma Drum Cadences (1.1M .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/drumcadences.wma Hey Baby (677k .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/heybaby.wma Boogie Down (847k .wma) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/boogiedown.wma Geaux Tigers -- 1st Down Cheer (265k .wav) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/geauxtigers.wav 2nd Down Cheer (373k .wav) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/2nddown.wav Chinese Bandits -- Defensive 4th Down (313k .wav) http://www.lsusports.net/songs/chinesebandits.wav also we got the prediction section of the site working... be sure to come check it out and make your picks. Track your record. www.six3.us
Hello to all you Tiger Fans, I am a member of the current Tigerband! I am sorry to dissapoint you but the Eye of the Tiger played for 3rd downs has not been recorded as far as I know because it was started in 2000 when the band started using Tigerama as its own personal highlight cd and the down cheers are not played at Tigerama. Jungle Boogie, as far as i know hasnt been recorded and since it is a stands tune, will not be played at Tigerama. Sorry to be the messenger of bad news but if i find any copies then i will be sure to let you know!
No, I had some issues with my home computer, and just got them resolved. I do have a zip archive of the files that is just under 50MB. It is copying to my ftp site right now. If it will work for you, I'll just come back in a little while and post the link to download the zip file. Otherwise, I can setup a page with links to each song individually on Monday.
Blah, it turns out I had to wait til today anyway. If its not one thing, its another. Anyway, here you go: www.ancientprotectors.com/songs.htm
Sorry to ask, but if you would forward some of those songs to me, too, I'd appreciate it! I can never get enough of listening to them! :geaux: [email protected]
Hey Mobile Bengal, I have a Motorola phone and it is impossible to download ringtones. But, you can program the songs in manually if you have the notes. So I guess I'm asking if you have the notes for the songs too. Maybe just like Hey Fighting Tigers or Pregame. Thanks
Im not emailing them, but they can be downloaded here: www.ancientprotectors.com/songs.htm PLEASE RIGHT CLICK AND "SAVE AS" MikeD, I would have to transpose everything from memory. I would only have had music for my part, and even at that, it wasnt always the melody. So, I guess in short, no. Sorry. Maybe Tigerbnd05 would have music to reference.