AU Morgan, you mentioned that a local hotel near Auburn has a heart-shaped tub that would be "right up someone's alley"... May I ask how you know about this hotel and this tub?
All the rest of AU will always get that type of response from me. Morgan=Cool Mr. Peabody=Cool Wesfau=Cool Cadillac=NUISANCE :angry:
Hahaha. This was a well known fact and a huge running joke. And no Ive never seen it in person. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!
Most of the Auburn-Opelika area hotels/motels are already reserved the weekend of the LSU-Auburn game. However, you may check the Hilton Gardens Hotel or the Hampton Inn for either a wait list" or cancellation. If you don't mind a 20-30 minute drive west, there's Stillwater Resort and Conference Center on Lake Martin (beautiful lake views, great Sunday brunch). They rent rooms, villas, and condos for the week or weekend. Montgomery is about 45 minutes south on I-85 and will have plenty of choices if you aren't able to nail down something in the immediate area. (Good luck) As far as food goes, I must agree that there aren't many choices that would be considered world-class....mostly due to the fact that it is a much smaller town (economy) than a city like BR. I recommend the tailgate though - not as spicy as BR but just as hospitable and you'll likely find some terrific BBQ and plenty of cold beer (especially at mine).