Hell no. I still wouldn't piss on the school if it caught fire, but right is right even if it's for AU.
I will admit that i was rooting for AU to win out and represent the SEC in the MNC game. I can put my hatred for AU and any other SEC team when it comes to Bowl games and adding to the SEC's rep as the toughest confrence. This does prove though which fan base has more class. Last year the barners decided to root for all things that could screw up LSU and **** the SEC. Despite all of that we were able (for the most part) look past all of that and realize that the better AU did the better we looked. I have NOT forgoten the way the AU fans sold out last year and showed NO loyalty tothe SEC. I hope they continue to win (except for when they play LSU) but I hope to god we smack them silly every time we play them from here on out.
I second that F**K AUBURN! I am going to the Vtech/ AU game....I got tickets! And I will be supporting LSU and cheering for vtech. I can't stand rooting for Auburn, this will be the only bowl game I cheer against a SEC team.
DAMN RIGHT!!!!! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :lsup: :lsug: :lsup: :lsug: :lsup: :lsug: :lsup: :lsug:
No F*ck anyone who gives legitimacy to the USC's accomplishments (or lack there of) this season. Every Tiger fan should feel angry about this turn of events because what Auburn accomplished in OUR league should be worthy of a national title shot. OUR league is the best in college football, and to dominate the SEC like Auburn did should give them that shot. An undefeated team from OUR league should always be there. I dislike Auburn as much as any tiger fan, However, I also respect what Auburn accomplished this year, and am proud a team from OUR conference has represented us so well. FUSC FOU FBCS FAP FCoaches. All you assclowns got it wrong.
Man I can feel the love all the way up here in Huntsville, AL :grin: I kinda have a unique problem. I got my BS at Auburn, MS at Va. Tech, and did PhD work at Oklahoma. I bet ya'll think right away my problem is who to pull for in the Sugar Bowl. No problem mon.......Auburn all the way. My problem is who to pull for in the OK-USC game. Since I'm an Aubie, and ya'll know we all love USC, that's where my dilema lies. Just kidding with ya. Go Sooners :grin: :grin:
Do you remember last year when tons of the Auburn fans went over and cogratulated the USC fans on their forums and called them the true national champions?? If this had to happen to one SEC team, it happend to the right one.
Because we refuse to root for the fake Tigers means that we think that the PAC-10 is better????? I'd say that's some pretty FLAWED LOGIC! :dis: