Clearly, you are an idiot, sir. Seriously.... 7-1 Cocks. Bottom 8th. And they're still. Not. Finished. The humanity.
Just got checked in at Hotel, Can see field from window, but it was start of nineth when I got laptop hooked up. So blame this game on me , We didint get here soon enough to get over there and cheer them on. But you can count on us for sat & sun game .Everyone have a great weekend and send some heat up here to Columbia:yelwink2::yelwink2::yelwink2:
You're not an idiot. Through 7 LSU 1 run 2 hits and USC 2 runs 3 hits including two home runs. I was there and Ranaudo looked good at times but was not that sharp. Dyson was throwing smoke and definetely threw 98 a couple of times. There stadium is pretty nice and I look forward to seeing the new Box to compare the two. The Tigers just don't look motivated right now and we are going to struggle as long as opponents throw left handers. Hopefully the bats will come alive before too long. As far as the relief pitching, they came in and made a good game look like crap. Carolina hits 4 home runs with the wind blowing in about 10-15 MPH. I'm going to tomorrow's game and hopefully we can win the next two in spite of facing two lefthanders.:dis:
wow, i'm actually kinda glad that i missed the latter part of that game... but a lefty throwing damn near 100, where did they get this kid from? a toxic waste dump site?