Mathis up Ball: 1-0 Inside: 2-0 Swing and a miss: 2-1 Inside: 3-1 Hit to left field but caught by Landry. but runner on 3rd base scores. LSU - 2 Bama - 2 Two out.
Runner at 2nd; two out Jones up Down and away: 1-0 Curve ball strike: 1-1 Hit to the mound and the inning is over - at last.
Top of the 8th LSU - 2 Bama - 5 Landry up Fouled: 0-1 Strike: 0-2 In the dirt: 1-2 Fouled: 1-2 Fouled: 1-2 Hit to center field to wall. Landry scores on an inside the park HR
Jim is very upset that Landry is not credited with the HR (single and 3-base error). The center-fielder dove for the catch and missed it.
Landry is not given a HR. He is given a single and Bama is charged with an error. Mahtook up. COUNT: 0-2 Low: 1-2 Fouled: 1-2 Fouled: 1-2 In the dirt: 2-2 Fouled: 2-2 Fouled: 2-2 Fouled: 2-2 Hit to right center field but it is caught. One out