Runner now on 3rd Low: 1-0 Hit in front of the plate: 2-0 Strike: 2-1 Chopped to 2nd base and Schimpt throws to 1st Three out.
Dean takes the plate Down and away: 1-0 Strike: 1-1 Grounded to 2nd and the throw to 1st is in time. One out.
Bottom of 4th May is up Strike at the knees: 0-1 Down and away: 1-1 Fouled: 1-2 Grounded to 2nd base. One out.
Smith up Curve ball misses inside: 1-0 High: 2-0 Swing and a miss on a fast ball: 2-1 High and outside: 3-1 Strike over inside corner: Full Count Fouled back: Full count Tipped the ball: Full count Fouled: Full Count Popped up into the stands: full count Strike out. Two outs.
Jones is up Off speed breaking pitch: 0-1 Fast ball strike over the outside corner: 0-2 Strike three: Got him looking. Three out.