When I was eight,my family and I moved from my home in Baton Rouge and moved to Findlay, Oh. At, first, I was pretty pumped for one thing, snow. I had never seen it until a blizzard. I've hated snow ever since. But anyways, in my eight years in Baton Rouge, me and my dad would go to baseball and basketball games, and some track meets but never a football game. I don't know why not, but we watched the game every Saturday night. I had never asked to go to one, not knowing what an expierence it would be, but i was content with watching them on TV. Well, when the first fall of my life in Ohio came about, I was shocked to see this Ohio State school, playing at high noon. I didn't know why they didn't play at night. Well when night time came around, instead of LSU football being on TV, they had some movie, or some other conference playing. I was beginning to feel I would never see an LSU game again until i saw the LSU- Auburn game on ESPN. Then, I relized how much i had missed LSU and Baton Rouge in general. Baton Rouge is my home and forever will be. After that, a true passion for LSU began. I made it a point to start nagging my dad to get tix to a game. After a few years, he gave in and got tickets to the UK game in 2002. Little did he know that he would get bit by the bug too, ecspecially after the last play, the next season, (last season), we flew to my self proclaim home and went to the Auburn. we did the whole but, tailgating, watched the band come down the road, greeted the team, and heckled everyone who rooted for Auburn. I met my cousin who happened to work for LSU and he got us on to the field and the rest was history. I got my grades up and a 25 on my ACT and planning to go to LSU in the fall of 2005. And yes I get the goosebumbs everytime i hear the band chime up.
Pastimer, I hear ya. When I first started watching the highlight show they used to actually aim the camera at the movie screen, it was really hard to watch it at times. maybe that's why LSU started wearing white at home as the darker jersies did not show up the numbers at all. And I can remember seeing LSU in color for the first time aslo and being in awe of the purple and gold striping, even though by LSU bobble head doll was in color!!! :lol:
Throughout my childhood, my room was painted in two very distinct colors and the letters LSU were painted above my door. Dad definitely passed it down to me, I can't imagine being anything else. It was my destiny.
both my parents are lsu alum and i been going to games since childhood dad has a stake in one of the resorts up here and thats why i live so far from my home we will still make 3 home games this year as we always do and probably auburn for the away nice story tigerkid
Genetics? Maybe I'm not sure I'm sold on this Genetics thing. But maybe. My Grandmother is a HUGE Tulane fan. Yeah, you heard right. I actually had an aunt that went to Tulane and an uncle that played football there. My mom loves Tulane as well. Now the flip-side. My dad LOVES LSU. He raised me on it. Now, I went to Nicholls State (where I was in the band) for 5 years and graduated in 2003. I came to LSU to pursue my graduate degree last August. Living close to New Orleans, I got to attend a few basketball games (the Shaq years) and several baseball games in the 90s (the Golden Years). However, living in Louisiana all my life (23 years), I NEVER made an LSU football game. Until last year. Boy did I pick a time to come or what? Without ever seeing a game I knew that I would be hooked for life. After tailgating the whole day before ULM and going the the game, I was right. The rain didn't bother me (probably because I was sitting under the West Upper-deck and didn't get a drop on me). But, then again, rain never bothered me at football games. Back at Nicholls, probably 60% of the games we were at were in the rain, and we sat through it. That being said, I plan on buying season tickets (ASAP). I plan on going to LSU games for a long time, and hopefully, when I have kids, I can start them off REALLY early.