I disagree TejasTiger ... schools can't wait till after the first of the year to hire a head coach. If Fisher ever wants to be a HC, he'll have to accept the job when it's offered ... and more than likely it'll be before our season is over. This same situation is happening at OU with Mike Stoops rumored to be heading to Arizona ... Stoops told his brother he would have to leave OU before the Big 12 game if he was offered the job. That's life in college football...
LSUBruce...I don't know what you're talking about, but the worst coaching move in the history of the SEC? Hell, man...That's a little drastic... Charlie Strong, one of the hottest assistants in college football these days, and the current Defensive Coordinator at Florida (and South Carolina before that), wants a job as a head coach. He wants it bad. He doesn't care about the opportunity. That's why he went down to the wire with Vanderbilt. That's right, Vanderbilt. He wanted to coach at the institution with the best grades and the worst record in SEC history. That's how bad he wanted it. Fisher to MSU woulde MUCH more attractive than Fisher to Vanderbilt, and you have to admit that. Think about this...John Thompson left the University of Florida and that position as Defensive Coordinator (replaced by Charlie Strong) to be the head coach at....East Carolina? There are LOTS worse places to start your head coaching career than at a recently semi-competitive Southeastern Conference school like Mississippi State. As for the "emergence" of Ole Miss, they're "submerging" as soon as they lose all those seniors that came in along with Eli. Remember them? The whole reason Eli came back in the first place? Trust me, Ole Miss isn't going to be any good for awhile... This is a good move for Fisher, and if Moo U doesn't make the move quickly, Auburn might be interested in him, as well... As for the comment from Saban that Moo U hasn't contacted Fisher, and Fisher has not contacted them....Well, that's what Jimmy Sexton is for... Fisher never has to speak with Moo U without ironing out a deal now that he has an agent that has ONLY head coaches as clients... It's a done deal, and I wish him the best as long as his interests don't coincide with LSU's...
Either Strong already has the job or something else must be coming open. I do not buy that Fisher is to good to coach at MSU. link