Couldn't agree more. Its kinda like the Racial profiling thing. Let's see.. Arab Muslim men attacked us on 9-11 but we can't discriminate against any one group of people. I'm not saying there isn't an American like Tim McVeigh out there either but you bet your butt I'll think twice about getting on an airplane with 2 to 3 Arabian men on board. We don't even have the stomach to look twice at these people for security reasons but we have to search the grandma next to them. I don't know if 2 more 9-11's could wake up this country. Then You have stupid statements by John McCain and others about the way we treat their prisoners, they are scared our prisoners will be treated worse because of the way we treat their people. I didn't realize there were worse things than the killing and beheading of innocent people and soldiers as well. We don't have the stomach to "torture" the enemy like we've always done either, even if it means saving innocent lives. Yep, I don't think we would have the stomach to fight WWII either. I think we get a little more like the French everyday, If Hitler came back he would be in the White House. :angryfire
It's gut check time for the British Gov't - the population will likely continue their Anti-American, Anti-Bush ranting and negative media slant. I agree, Blair has been a true friend to the United States and his exceptional loyalty should not be overlooked when we look back on this time 20, 30, 50 years down the road. Blair will not pull a Spain, but the British public will whine and finger point. On my last trip to London, a hotel employee sent me off to the airport with this zinger: "Hey, try your best not to bomb any small countries on your way home." I have a sense of humor so I let it go, but... Very sad and very tragic. There is no doubt in my mind that these attacks would be on American soil if we were not applying so much pressure in the middle east and being so pro active. God Bless the families and the Brits as they sort this out. Nothing like a little dose of terrorism to regain some perspective on this fight and the world we now live in. F**K these animals...
Wouldn't you love to see him now and say "I see someone from one of those small countries dropped of a few bombs for YOU.
Man is that right, but I'm sure his liberal response would be " they would not have done it if.........and then use the typical blame the USA or British or both and tell us how it's our own fault........
How stupid and vulnerable are we as a country? I hate this terror alert system, it shouldn't be made public and it should apply to law enforcement officials only. Any terrorist planning an attack in this country today could geaux to Fox News and get an update... "terror alert being raised to orange only for trains" We are too stupid for our own good and we will make it harder for us to defeat terrorism by stupidity alone including not protecting our borders. Instead of all these new alphabet agencies, use that money to control and secure the borders.
Yeah but can you imagine the public outrage if another attack occured in the US and the threat level was at the highest point but the public wasn't allowed to see it?
Yep, no more than it would be if we let the terrorist know the threat level was at its lowest and the whole world knows it. The terrorists then know the best time to attack. The system is stupid, thats the bottomline. If you want to protect Americans there are much better ways such as securing the borders.
right..... Have you been living in a hole the last 5 years? Just imagine the progress U.S. would make against terrorism if we sent half the number of troops that are in Iraq(looking for WMD's, right?) to fight terrorism.