How did he break the law, if people are so big on personal freedoms, the guy has a right to be in his house and get upset of someone acting as if he isnt supposed to be there. Gates shouldnt have acted an ass, but he didnt break the law.
These "moments" truly show he's not the calm, smooth, well-educated, articulate speaker when he doesn't have a script or teleprompter as a crutch. He sounded more like Biden with those comments. Open mouth..insert foot!
my understanding is that his bad attitude didnt start until after he provided ID. i dont think most non-black people believe the cop was racially-motivated. even O didnt say that. just said the cop was stupid to arrest him. clearly Gates was racially-motivated and i think its understandable. the "neighbor" was someone walking down the street. not necessarily a nextdoor neighbor that might recognize him.
You know some people agree with me even Sabanfan agreed that some cops are racist. I cant let the past go, because some of the it is still happening. If I enslaved, segregated, and said your family and ancestors, i think you would be a little suspicious of me. Also, you can say what you want and believe what you want, I respect your opinion, even if you dont respect mind. But I will have something to say about something I disagree with, just like you do. I just cant understand why you respond directly to me, when other people have said the same about cops. Is it because Im black:rofl: To put you at ease I have some white people in my family on my mothers Hope that helps.
Tell me...why is it okay to call a police officer every name in the book but if an officer says anything at all he/she is automatically at fault? I understand officers are held to a higher standard but don't also deserve some respect? This situation is a good example of why we need to stop all the stupid comments about race. Comments...just like the ones made by Obama...reinforce the myth that all white cops hate black people...therefore if you're black and a white cop approaches you, you should automatically become confrontational and call him a racist. We see the results of that approach...:nope:
Cause they get paid to endure that, officier are expected to be held to a higher standard. Obama didnt say anything about race being the factor, he said it was stupid to arrest the guy once you know he belongs in the house. Which is true. He didnt reinforce any myth at all, you came to that conclusion yourself. I never called a cop a racist and was still harrassed and called out of my name. What do you attribute that to?
1st of all it's the Bank's house since you are still paying for it. And how are the cops suppose to know it is your house until you provide proof. Once proof is provided thank the cops for looking out for your home and they will be on their way. Bing Bam Done.
There's hope for you after all! :lol: I often refer back to you for several reasons...1) I know you'll quickly respond, 2) you're passionate about your thoughts, 3) I'm hopeful you'll someday see the light :grin:, 4) you're more fun to debate than that damn Clinton-loving red! :hihi: