Too many people wanna believe cops are racist. Truth is, they aren't. But they are able to do stupid things. He shouldn't have been arrested. The arrest was probably based on a, "because I can" type of thing. And Obama should've stuck to trying to fix the economy and stayed out of it. And Ima leave it at that.
good for him. Im sure Mark Fuhrman helped a few people out in his day too. Gates acted an ass, and its the cops job to control the situation, not to arrest a man in his own home for bitching and asking for a badge number and name.
You are a trip. You still believe OJ was railroaded because he's black? You believe Fuhrman conceived this complicated plot involving the entire LAPD just to "get" a black man? By the way, there are 8 witnesses to the fact that Gates was creating a disturbance. He was warned and he continued his act. Tasing would have been over the line, but handcuff his ass in the backseat? Hopefully he learned his lesson.
LaSalle, Mark Furman was a racist, but OJ did that shyt or he hired someone to do it and came by to see if it was done right. Believe that.
Not ALL of them, and that seems like the road you're trying to go down. Again I say - Home isn't Base. Breaking the law in your own home doesn't mean you can't be arrested.
Nice try, but you know i didn't say that. OJ killed his wife, everyone knows that, and if not for the testimony of a racist police officer he probably would have been convicted. If the police came into my house demanding my i.d. accusing me of breaking into my own house, i would have acted a damn fool too, its my house, i pay for it, now get the hell out.
He was wedging the door to a house open. He didn't provide ID and was belligerent with the police. He deserved to have the police called on him. He deserved to be hassled by the police until he showed ID. He acted like a f**king idiot. Once he showed ID, the officer should have just left, no matter the insults etc. The officer acted stupidly but anyone who says this is racially motivated is a moron. Plain and simple. It could be argued the initial call was racially motivated, but the man was also breaking into a home. Somehow the neighbor didn't recognize the man but I guess that's life sometimes.
never said they all were, i have plenty of friends in law enforcement, and i know that alot are. What law did he break?
True!...but unfortuantely we only hear these stories when it's white on black. You can't let go of the past because it's still on your mind. I understand that and respect that. I ask for the same respect and understanding when I get tired of all the BS claims of racism ALWAYS perpetuated by a white person on a black person.