I'd say, probably yes. You've got the hispanics becoming more organized and disgruntled as well, and then you have the reclusive white militia folks, but I'd say of all those groups, disenfranchised blacks are closest to boiling over. I'm not saying that we need to treat black folks differently, they're just as human as I, I'm just saying for society's sake, as a society of individuals, blowing off the tribulations of black folks and the feelings of disenfranchisement that a number of black folks have is not in our best interest. If you haven't walked in another man's shoes don't be so quick to dismiss his criticisms of the society we live in. I think this really has to be something that has to be achieved on an individual basis, but martin, you are the best of us. If you wanna lead, it's your post to command. I speak for all whites on that matter. :hihi:
A message on the Mexican problem.............just to lighten up the post: YouTube - Ned racist prank call to Mexicans over Taco Bell dog
Wow you racist! I let a few of my Latino friends listen to what you posted and they couldn't believe you would post such a racist politically incorrect thing. I bet you have a pillow case with eye holes in it on your pillow right now.
I was drinking an Icehouse as I typed. Good beer by the way and higher alcohol content so you get more than just increased trips to the bathroom.
Gracias amigo! You are welcome to that watery pseudo beer flavored swill. :wink: DAMN this thread is makin' me thirsty!