Near beer is chick code for I don't buy my own. If she walks in and starts a tab, she might be near beering. Below: A near beer festival in Munchen. Pony up fellas. Down with whitey
do you know how strong that beer is those girls are drinking? probably at 18 to 19% alcohol, maybe more. German Chicks are hardcore.
I think I would have gone to this meeting and gotten absolutely hammered and made a fool of myself. I then would have gone onto some sort of book tour and created a reality show. This guy had an opportunity to extend his 15 minutes by acting a fool and blew it. He should have streaked butt naked across the white house lawn. He would have been set for life.
dude, dopplebock is 13% per 12 oz serving, that looks like a 32 ounce. sam adams even makes a beer that is 24% alcohol by volume. World Wide Stout is 23% alcohol by volume. Raison D'Extra is 20% alcohol by volume. Sam Adams triple bock is 17.5% abv.