HUH? just everything. Obama 'Mentor' Gave Farrakhan An Award Rev. Wright Obama's Spiritual Mentor ... Obama, in turn, calls the dashiki-wearing minister of this militantly black church his "spiritual advisor" and mentor. President Obama's former mentor and pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, this week at the - Jeremiah Wright - Obama's mentor ... Barack Obama's Mentor, Jeremiah Wright Obama's Spiritual Mentor May Put Church in Hot Water Obama's Mentor Wright: "Them Jews Aren't Going To ... Obama's pastor: The backstory - This is a man Obama considered his mentor and spiritual advisor ... More Gifts From Obama's Mentor yeah the jury is still out. you hang in there in your search for truth.
i dont really think obama is a racist, at least not any more than you or i. i just think that in rder to get his political career going he had to appeal to some pretty terrible idiots. i think he is probably well aware that these folks are morons. it is certainly true that there is a double standard and had he been white and been associated with similarly racist figures he would been destroyed. we have a system now where any accusations of racism against the proper groups are treated like nuclear bombs that can destroy the career of almost anyone.
seriously, is all that stuff supposed to mean something? other people calling wright obama's mentor means nothing and even obama calling him his mentor means little. i agree. getting in with wright was one of the best ways for O to become a chicagoan. but i wouldnt argue with you if you claimed O was racist if we are all now using the vague definition that includes an enormous spectrum of attitudes. i dont think O hates white people. i dont think wright hates white people. at most, wright hates american whites. i doubt he hates serbs.:grin:
I'm speechless, I guess that because I don't speak "IDIOT". If I did, then maybe I could make you understand!!!
So then, can I place any faith in anything the man says? If he doesn't speak for himself then who DOES speak for him?
Thats what I read in the AP report, so obviously the cops reported that when the lady said she didnt say it. I'll post the article. Gates call: Witness unsure she sees crime - Race & ethnicity- The police reported that the lady said it was 2 black men. When she never said that. It was in the report Crowley made after the incident. If you dont know what I am talking about, maybe you shouldnt comment or you might be proven wrong like in this instance.
you really do see things in black and white, huh. he's a politician. everything has to be heavily filtered. why do i have to preach this to all the republicans?
they switched their beer choices. O had BudLight. i think he just lost my vote. "Obama drank Bud Light, Biden had a Buckler, Gates chose to drink Sam Adams Light and Crowley opted for a Blue Moon." Gates After Beer Summit: 'We Can Have Our Differences' - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston