i assume the definition of racist you are using includes all degrees. beck wasnt describing some mild common form of racism. he said obama had a deep hatred for white people.
reverend wright was his mentor, no? what if david duke was mine. i think it would be safe to assume I am a hard-core racist as well. but for some reason we can make that analogy with the pres. weird.
the president should be open game for any and all criticisms. the obama supporters who are saying different, are no better than those people in the Bush cabinet who pretty much said that going against that administration was basically un patriotic. The proof is there in his books, Obama has had bad things to say about white people, maybe he should have been more specific, because its not right to categorize all white people the same, just like its not right to categorize anyone just because of their race.
dont we all categorize things? why cant we be honest. we know latinas have the best asses and crazy tempers. asians cant drive but are good at math. blacks can play basketball better than they study. whites are mediocre at basically everything. we can categorize yet still judge a person individually.
i don't disagree with being honest, but why assume that just because i'm white that i am racist? just because someone is black does not mean they can hoop. content of character not color of skin.
no, just a damned good chance. and all people are racist in some form. most just arent honest with themselves.
obama, gates and the cop are about to sit around the whitehouse lawn and drink beer? this can't be. we've got to stop this at once. we can't have this...