the president is racist. doesnt bother me. i just wish he'd admit it now hes been elected but i guess it may hinder his reelection.
Yep, he beats and whips 1/2 of his self every morning and spits on his mothers and grandmothers grave. Let me know when you want to have a real discussion.
im really discussing the president is racist. i know its hard to swallow but its not that big a deal. most people are to some extent. its just we cant say it.
i wasnt aware he was racist, maybe you feel that way for some reason. Did you feel the last one was a racist? Im a racist myself, I hate stupid and lazy black, white, hispanic, and asian people.
you must be a racist if you really havent noticed. clearly, you've paid attention yet somehow this escaped you. not blatantly. everyone is to an extent. it comes down to if you act on it.
if you want to call me, im fine with that. I just havent seen any evidence. Hes racist from his comment? Also I dont think Bush was a racist, he did more for Africa than most presidents and it was Rumsfeld, who dropped the ball on Katrina, not Bush from what I have read about it.
now thats a joke, you dont care long enough about whos racist and whos not, to think about it....:hihi: And my statement was about what people want to label me, Im fine with that.