"'ll speak with your mama outside"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    We either deal with it or try to ignore it, continue to avoid whole parts of town, continue to allow our cities to be worse for wear and places where people who can afford it don't want to live.

    I'm US first. I don't believe in foreign welfare funded unwillingly by the taxpayers.

    Can you put yourself in the shoes of a kid growing up without a father, a poorly educated mother on welfare and a callous attitude, a neighborhood full of dealers and bangers and economic depression, a ton of kids your age making the wrong decisions, a failing school system, and as you grow up dealing with prejudice or disinterest in the majority of your interactions with others who don't share your race? That's a lot to overcome, but you're sure that you would have. Not every black person has to deal with this, and things are getting better, and the government isn't really equipped to deal with this, but I just find it hard to believe you have nothing but contempt for those fellow Americans who have had it relatively bad in our cities and who have made some wrong decisions.

    Who said it was? You've overreacted to the argument that challenges your own.

    Fixed it for you

    In defense of cops, when your experience shows that black folks are more likely to be beligerent are more likely to be with illegal substances, and are more likely to be on the wrong side of the law, in general, is it wrong to profile? I imagine young folks are pulled over more often than older folks as well.

    Do you think some of those looks aren't necessarily of ill intent, simply shocked at seeing something different? I think people who are victims of prejudice can begin seeing it even when it does not exist. Not to say it doesn't exist, but sometimes it is innocent, I'd wager. More ignorance than beligerence.

    That's true, but they aren't inherently bad either.

    I'm proud to be a fan of LSU and I doubt I would be if I weren't from here. I'm proud to be from Louisiana even though my folks are both from out of state. I'm proud of the Swedish blood in my veins though I've never been and know very little about the country. It's irrational and it is deep, but I'm glad to have it.

    Check yourself. Is this the way you speak to fellow Americans who disagree with you? Fug you're angry.
  2. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    you wont have to hire anyone you don't want to in the state of louisiana if you have a low amount of employees over 1000 hours worked.
  3. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    dude i had a whole LSU heritage response all typed out and ready to submit but i said screw it, because no matter what you say, martin will always have some crazy off the wall rebuttal.
  4. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    You wont get any disagreement from me on this one.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    what does that have to do with race?

    i dunno what you want from me. i favor good public schools. i cant force a black man to take care of his kids. i cant force a black woman to go to college instead of going on welfare and popping out kids. all i can do is be nice to folks.

    perhaps i wouldnt have been able to escape the cycle. but i would not blame white folks, i would blame my deadbeat parents.

    please try to quote me more directly instead of inventing things to oppose. although it is true i do have some contempt for whiteys that encourage the black man to fail by telling him nothing is his fault.

    well, i agree that it is irrational. and i think that irrational clinging to stupid heritage nonsense is a evolutionary holdover to caveman times when we had to stick with our tribes and be loyal to survive. some people get past that.
  6. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    Fail to acknowledge this fact? Have you even read this thread, it certainly sounds as if you haven't.
    And there are many that DO NOT share YOUR views, what does that prove? I say nothing! Just because they don't respond to your ridiculous posts doesn't make your views right. Right?

    You are as clueless as clueless can be. You think because I am not afraid to speak the truth that automatically makes me a racist. You have no idea and couldn't be farther from the truth. You are the typical liberal that thinks you are the lone beacon of light in the darkness and if the entire world were more like you it would be a perfect place. Get over yourself, then maybe the world will be a better place. I have no desire to go back in time, I wish the whole country would move forward. You on the other hand are still living in the past. Go hug a tree and make yourself feel better.

    You're right I'm no longer interested in your opinions, you're clueless.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I think it's time to put this thread to bed.
  8. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    never understood that reasoning. just dont look if its too much. the babbling is entertaining.
  9. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    SabanFan the peacemaker, the end truly is near.:hihi::hihi::hihi:
  10. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I agree, but it's the same stuff going back and forth. This thread needs more martin.

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