1. He has a damn funny way of saying it. 2. While this may/is probably true, it IS NOT MY FAULT, that is what I'm tying to say.
i dont think anyone would dispute that you get a headstart being white. the question is whose fault that is. years ago, we could clearly say that whites were to blame. but not so much anymore. now i think the blame lies with both blacks and whites. liberal whites for being condescending to black folks and telling them they need things like affirmative action and that history has crippled them. and blacks for believing them and for following terrible leaders. speaking of which, take a look at who black folks vote for, and who their leaders are. universally terrible.
and since you want to split hairs: Last time I filled out an ap it did not have a section for skin color Actually, I have been in this exact situation. You can call it a front if you want to but a very good friend of mine was the hiring manager at Halliburton and told me straight up, "Shane, I'd love to hire you, I've known you all my life but I have to hire a black guy" If I break the law, sure I will, just as I would expect to be but I know what you mean, they don't profile whitey, I gotcha on this one. Perhaps not by the po-po but there are some parts of some cities where I would not go "because I am white" just as this works in reverse. Unfortunately it is something that doesn't look as if it is going away. Do I think it is right? Of course not, its one of the dumbest things about our society. I wish we could change this. To that degree no, I probably won't, however my point is, it has be proven time and again that if those less fortunate keep their nose pointed in the right direction, they can succeed. I never ever said, proclaimed, or even hinted that it was easy. It isn't easy for ANYONE. Might they have it a little bit harder? Sure, I'll give you that. I never said "pretend like it didn't happen, or that it doesn't still exsist" I am saying that history should not be used as a "for the lack of a better term" crutch.
while i dont think this incident had anything to do with race, i do think it had to do with gates having a chip on his shoulder and he was just daring the cop to knock it off. being a white female, i know that i dont see life the way gates does. (and when dealing with law enforcement my way of seeing things is that i am dealing with the person that has a badge, a gun, and the ability to make my life miserable, so just cooperate!) however, that does not dismiss the fact that when dealing with law enforcement, you have to also look at the fact that they are doing their jobs, often under diffucult cirumstances. i think that the chip gates had on his shoulder clouded his judgement so that he did not take into account that if it had been an intruder (and one with a gun), the cop had no way of knowing. however, had he put aside his indignation for just a minute and realized the cop was protecting his home and trying to sort it out, he would have cooperated and none of this would have happened. sometimes we have to try to view things from the others point of view, not our own. that has nothing to do with race. it has everything to do with rationally assessing a situation. gates failed to look at that other point of view and realize the cop had no way of knowing "who he was". his assumptions turned the incident into something it shouldnt have been.
i work in staffing, and on most applications there is a optional questionaire regarding ethnicity. as far as the haliburton thing, i apologize, and for the record if everyone would get over it and realize that we all have to live together and stop hating people because they have a different skin color, the idea of affirmative action would not even be needed. yes if you break the law you will go to jail, im talking about random traffic stops, if you are a young black male i am willing to bet the chances of you getting your car searched are far greater, the chances of you getting hassled are far greater, and the chances of you getting arrested are far greater. so in other words you are saying, white kids should stay out of the ghetto and black kids should stay out of the burbs???? please elaborate that better for me. i agree with you, history should not be used as a crutch, but if it is thrown in your face constantly, then why cant you point it out. Racism is still very prevalent in the south and in america, and until idiots stop being racist, then you will continue to see people claim racism any chance they get. White people in this country created this monster called racism, and now just want to tell everyone to just get over it. And im not saying that only white people are racist, there are bigots of every color, and its just useless hate. Our generation can do something about it if we raise our kids right, and teach them not to hate. My wife has african american and latino blood, and you wouldn't believe the looks we get here in Louisiana, from both white and black people. I just don't want my daughter coming home and saying the N word, or feeling ashamed because all of her white friends are calling her mom the N word, she should be proud of who she is and her heritage.
i agree with you but they wear a badge not a shield. just because they are police does not make them impervious to good judgement and level headiness.
You're as full of sheet as a Christmas turkey. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I see on a daily basis better qualified white applicants turned down for a job because the very large company I work for has to hire more blacks, that's a fact. I also see them promote unqualified blacks over qualified whites to meet a quota. They are very open about it and don't try to hide it. Today's black man/woman has so many opportunities it's unbelievable. If he/she can't make it in America today it's because he/she doesn't want to. You are very very misinformed about how things work at large corporations today. They are all scared of racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton shaking them down or slandering them in the press. You have absolutely no idea how many advantages they have over a white person that has to earn his way up. It's become a self fulfilling prophecy. For generations blacks have told each other that the white man is keeping them down and everything bad is honky's fault. It's very much like the middle east where they have been told for generations that the U.S. is the great evil so much that they actually believe it's true. If blacks really want to make it in life they better tune out Farrakhan and tune in Bill Cosby.