And I disagree, I don't think this has anything to do with MM. I don't think Marin is trying to say "act like slavery never happened" or to dismiss it as such. All he is saying IMO is it is time to move on. It's history, it cannot be denied, however it cannot be relied upon forever as a trump card. No one is holding anyone down any longer. The opportunity is there, its up to each individual to seize it and make something of it. Just my opinion.
i think people need to reconsider the opinion tht an accusation of racism is a show-stopper, an instawin. of course i am racist, to some extent. you are too. everyone is. only a very few people are racist in a truly aggressive sense, where they are genuinely against individuals because of race. 99% of the time when someone is accusaed of racism, the person doing the accusing the is the scoundrel, not the accused. we all do, amigo. really what i am saying is "dont act like slavery happened to you".
There is a large percentage of black people that grow up without positive guidance. I am not trying to blame anyone, that is just a fact. A million small prejudiced actions would be maddening to most of us. To say there isn't a problem and that society as a whole doesn't have to deal with those problems is dense. Jesus would say suck it up, but he'd also give a damn about those who have had a rough go of it. There are humans in our country who have a bad standard of living, I don't understand how so many Americans can simply say, "So?" BTW, I haven't seen anyone here defend Jesse Jackson's antics.
Grab your sign and file in behind Jesse, I'm sure you both will make the world a better place. Or at least you could have a nice pity party.:thumb:
i think you share this view with a great many people. however, moses made it out of slavery, so do you think that meant that everyone had an opportunity? when it takes an exceptional person to rise out of a crappy situation its disingenuous to call it an "opportunity".
I knew there was no way the two of us could be on the same page. Look, we aren't comparing Moses with anything that is happening in recent history. No one today needs to be "Exceptional". They need to be disciplined, focused, and show a little bit of personal courage. All the tools are there for anyone to become anything they want to be. They can choose hood rat or doctor, or business man/woman, ect. This applies to everyone, all races, creeds, religions so your "disingenuous" comment is misplaced.
deal with the problem how? force people to not be racist? force black fathers to not abandon their kids? is it the fault of the white community that black folks refuse to be good parents? if the premise is that you care about the wellbeing of humans, then there are people on this earth that have it a thousand time worse than american blacks. if you have x amount of time to devote to caring about human beings, then american blacks should be low on your priority list.