Precisely. I wish others could be so enlightened. Well, I think that by now we're all used to a POTUS who refuses to admit when he's wrong.
All true and its not always a color-based difference. Most of us couldn't tell an native Israeli from a Palestinian if our lives depended on it. Who could, they are essentially all from the same semitic bloodlines? Same with Shiite and Sunni Iraqis, they hate each other but are otherwise similar. And who can understand the many castes of India? But wherever it happens, there is discrimination that must be resisted and there is also a "victim" culture that must be resisted, too. Gates is a famous, rich, distinguished black professor from Harvard, living in a city with a black mayor, a state with a black governor, and a nation with a black president and yet he managed to make himself into a black "victim". This is as disturbing to me as policemen arresting someone for being "uppity". My experience during desegregation was much different. We had no riots, no racial incidents, no gang fights, no gangs at all. Just a few individual fistfights, but that happens anyway. Always has. In my hometown, the white high school had 800 students and the black high school had 200 students. They simply closed the black high school, which was too small for sports and band and other extracurriculars, anyway. About 30 white kids dropped out or left the system for catholic school and about 100 black kids dropped out rather than attend segregated schools. The other 100 were motivated and basically were assimilated without incident. From what I have noticed, I think this was the case where a segregated school was 80% white or black with a smaller minority. The minority found ways to fit in and get along. The trouble mostly came in schools where the mix was more like 50-50. Then there seemed to always be adversarial issues and rivalry for "control".
my understanding is that he did cooperate. unless you mean that he cant raise his voice to police. in my novice opinion he should have only been arrested if he didnt provide ID, threatened the police or became physical. what gates did was totally different from slapping an ociffer. i dont think there is a law against being a jerk. again, i do think the only role that race played in the incident was in influencing gates's reaction. i appreciate hyperbole, but it works better if you start slow then increase the exaggeration. i could almost buy a disturbing the peace charge if he was continually really loud and it was at night. but it was a disorderly conduct charge. i would think that would have to be committed in public, not on his private property
He was not cooperating and he was being disorderly. Rather than act like a mature individual he chose to act like an ass. I'm sure he was warned to cut it out but he was too busy being high and mighty to a lowly public servant. The more I think about it, the more I wish they would have tased that attitude right out of him.