"'ll speak with your mama outside"

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by tirk, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    First as a middle aged white man I never said that racism doesn't exist nor did I say it was right. However it's time to quit blaming everything bad that happens on racism, it just isn't true. It's also true that people like Dr/Mr Gates are also racists as are many of his views.

    This is one of the biggest hurdles that has to be over come and it can not be done without major change in the black community. I know it's not something people want to hear, but much of this view of inferiority is brought on by the constant whining that the whole world is out to get them and the belief that the only reason why so many are not successful is because every white person on the planet is a racist. I have many black friends that are the salt of the earth and I have been close friends for decades. I would trust my black friends with my life and the lives of my family, they are that high quality people. However even I am absolutely sickened when I see people like Gates on tv playing the race card to cover his own stupid racists actions. Over the 40+ years of my life I have seen many non racist white people sickened by the same thing. Believe me it only creates more racism and poor views of the black community. Yes many white people need to change their views and ways, but until many blacks do the same I see no progress being made in race relations.
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  2. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    First of all, I can't justify to myself letting others (black or white, friends or family, co-workers, etc....) use racist statements around me, I just don't feel good about it and couldn't live with myself. I feel morally obligated to point this out. It doesn't always stop it, but I feel better personally. I have to let my position be know when the situation happens.

    And I agree, racism is everywhere, even in smokefilled rooms full of politicians. Hell for that matter, at an NAACP meeting. I'm just saying it's wrong.

    And I still count a few racists as my friends. I just think they're misguided. As for family and coworkers,,,,,,,,well can't do much about them.

    The ONLY way we'll ever overcome racist views will have to start at home. If a kid is raised hearing racism spouted by his or her parents, they're likely to be a racist as an adult.
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    i drop n-bombs all the time, mostly because i think they are funny. i use sentences like:

    "can a n-bomb get a cold beer up in this mother****er?"


    as a response to a question, like: "hey man can you help me move?"

    "of course i can, who is your n-bomb?"


    "dang man some n-bomb stole my bike"


    "obama is pretty smart for a half n-bomb"

    and so what if i am racist? so what if i believe some folks are different than others. especially if i realize that generalizations do not apply all that much to individuals.

    it is irrational, for example, for the government to hie based on race. they should hire base d on merit. but if private companies want to hire whites only, so be it.

    and if cops tend to be eager to pull over black folks, then perhaps we can admit that it is partially because they realize that blacks are more disproportionately criminals.
  4. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    First of all, in these United States of America, everyone has a right to free speech. They also have a right to realize that they can get hurt really bad by hurting someones feelings by what they say. In other words, a good ole ass whipping. It's our right! So,, most people only "drop their N-bombs" when some other people aren't around. Alleviates getting an ass whipping, but shows that kinda makes them a hypocrite (or a coward).
    I'll guarantee you that David Dukes was never in an environment of all blacks and called them the N word. He was always surrounded by his clan guys or other assorted racists. That makes him a coward and a racist. And he didn't want his ass whipped either.
  5. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    The impact of David Duke cannot be truly felt without seeing him in full Nazi uniform on the platform at the real free speech alley. He's cleaned up now and passing that off as a "youthful indiscretion" but anyone who witnessed that can recognize hatred in any form nowadays.

    Anyone else remember that? ....Red?
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    yeah, so true. i only drop n-bombs in private, i don t want an ass whipping, those n-word folks are like animals, very primitive, and they get violent quick, like a big violent baboon.
  7. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I remember it, he reminds me a lot of Louis Farrakhan. I guess Farrakhan can't pass it off as "youthful indiscretion" since he is still spouting the same hate filled rhetoric. But it's only racist and hateful if you're white.......right?
  8. charlie_c0756

    charlie_c0756 Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    To be honest, I feel that along with Farrakkon theres: AL Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Sharpton is not only a racist, he's half frickin nuts. Jesse Jackson is a man without a cause. The guy has his nose in ANTHING that involves a black guy. It's like he's a media sponge. And his venacular is the strangest damn thing I've ever heard. The way he speaks makes him look like a dimwit. These two guys try to put a race-spin on anything they can. The worst part is that all the news networks put them on the tube anytime there's a black issue to be discussed. Farrakon is dangerous, he's a true racist. The other two are just guys that don't wanna work for a living, so they spout anger. All three need to just go away.
  9. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Was out of town all week and only heard a terribly abridged version of this story from my goose-stepping neocon uncles (their version was that he was arrested because he refused to show his ID, which has Fox written all over it). But my first thought was that the events and subsequent comments regarding this story were somehow based around the fact that this occured in Massachussetts. I've never been to the state, but have always heard that there are many cities within in it that most of us aren't white enough to live in. If this is the case, then I guess it's a bit easier to understand why Gates would act so belligerently when pressed about the issue in his own house. Still doesn't excuse it; he should have acted more maturely.

    That said, I think everyone is making too big of a deal about it. If he showed his ID and the cops didn't leave, then they did act stupidly. A lot of folks are simply assuming that Obama was insinuating that their actions were racially motivated. I saw him make the statement, and he did not say that they acted stupidly because they were racists. I think this is proven by the highlighted portion of the following quote. . .
    Just curious, but do you dispute this assertion?
  10. downtown

    downtown Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    I think the "separate and apart from this incident" part of that quote is the most important part because this incident is clearly separate from those types of incidents. A neighbor called with a possible concern about a possible break-in. The officer made that clear from the start. It's not like the cop went there on his own (which I'm sure was very apparent to Mr. Gates).

    The cop was leaving and Gates followed him outside so he could continue to call him a racist, etc. If Gates doesn't follow him outside, he never gets arrested. He really wanted some special attention and he finally got it after repeated warnings. The cop was outside with others trying to relay the info. that it was not really a break-in and the man didn't want them to perform their job for some reason.

    Obama said he was biased as the guy's friend and that he didn't know all the facts - as President of the USA, he should have declined comment. It's very easy. The president acted stupidly. But it's over and it won't cause our country to collapse. Still, the president wouldn't admit that he should have just kept quiet. He talked about how he could have "calibrated" his words differently. Even that didn't make sense to me. Whatever...

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