the more blacks complain about the legacy of slavery crippling them, the more whites silently are convinced that blacks are inferior, even as they condemn each other for saying it out loud. so if you are black, and want to be treated like a child, keep whining about history. all of us whites may not admit it, but we hate you for it. in queens, there is an army of chinamen here, many of whom dont speak english. but i never hear them whining, they just get on with it. they leave a communist state of crippling oppression, move to the US and work like lunatics, send their kid to ivy league schools and within one generation are not only totally integrated into american society, they are kicking ass. and this is true of pretty much every minority except blacks, who have been taught by whites to whine and play the victim card at every opportunity. they cant shut their mouths about the events of the past, as they watch the other minorities whoosh past them to success.
It could be worse...:hihi: White on white hate...when will it end? "I was more shocked than anything..." Great choice of words! [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
Black folks have to put up with a lot. I can understand being sensitive in this society. I'm not so sure about a Harvard professor, but in general, I can understand feeling like an outsider and having some resentment. It doesn't help that a lot of black folks grow up in bad neighborhoods and have poor guidance and poor education. I wouldn't say cajuns or most other minority groups today really are in the same boat. Most don't face mini-prejudices on a daily basis. No doubt, our society is better than it has ever been, but race is still an issue. On the other hand, white folks have had about their fill of the race card.
i ownder if obama feels bad because he is african and has zero connections to the american legacy of slavery and oppresion of blacks. he cannot sympathize, he cannot feel the oppression in his veins. or perhaps he understands how great it is to be an american white, built up on the riches of black slave labor, because he is half white kansan. slavery still exists in africa, in places like sudan, and it is black folks owning black slaves, does that mean if a sudanese slave owner came here to america he could still get some mileage whining about the legacy of american blacks being oppressed by whites, because of the color of his skin? yesterday i read a story about a north korean woman executed for distributing bibles. and every day there is a story about one muslim killing another muslim for believing something so slightly different from each other that you can and i could never tell the difference. and this is what folks around the world are dealing with. and the american black, he cant get off the ground because 150 years ago there was oppression. open letter to blacks: boo freaking hoo. the more you whine the worse off you will be. we whites are sick of it. get yourselves together. your problems are caused by your own stupidity, not by american history. we want to like you but you suck, so get it together. signed, all american whites (including whiny pansy liberals who secretly agree)
His wife and daughters are descendants of African slaves, He may not empathize but I certainly think he can sympathize. What you mean "we", Kemo Sabe. You are as singular in your philosophy as anyone in FSA. :lol: Please don't attempt to speak for everybody else here. Most of us have already expressed our racial proclivities and sensitivities, thank you. I do not endorse yours. I can maybe summon up a "boo freakin' hoo", but for none of your reasons.
why? does sadness transmit through DNA? seriously, why? can he "sympathize" more than me or you? why? if you are black and you feel bad about slavery, would you feel different if you later realized you are actually adopted and are from a tribe in sudan and your father is still there and is currently a slave owner? we are individuals, not connected to the things people did in the past. if you want to cripple blacks and keep them down, then by all means, do not be honest with them. tell them to be sad and worry about the past. tell them you care. we are not cavemen. we are not connected biologically to some arbitrary group of people that share dna with us. the example i gave before and will mention again: i dont care that red and his viking ancestors ravaged my family in northern england however many years ago. i dont hold it against him. even if it had happened 20 years ago and it was red's father and gradfather that did it to my father. i am in INDIVIDUAL, not a member of a tribe. what happened to my tribe means nothing. too late i already spoke for all whites including you, see: "all american whites (including whiny pansy liberals who secretly agree)"
fact: black folks in america have it better than 99.9 of the african blacks and pretty much everyone else in the world except american and western european whites and japanese. save your sympathy for the iranians or chinese or north koreans or kurds. american blacks live in america, the best place possible where they can literally be president. if blacks hate the way modern whites treat them, perhaps they should return to africa, where barely any leader can keep control of any country for more than two weeks. the greatest thing to could have possibly happened to modern american blacks is that their ancestors were valuable slaves that were imported to the place that would end up being a million times better than africa. keep in mind that most slaves bought by europeans were already slaves, held by other black folks. and we whites realized that were *******s so we should free these poor folks. meanwhile in africa, the blacks keep enslaving each other even today. if anyone should be blamed and shamed for slavery, it is blacks. they do it today!
I just get sick and tired of every white police officer being labeled racist for doing their jobs. I know that some of them are, but that doesn't mean that every one of them is