I'm obviously no expert, but could it be something as simple as red is the most popular color and a hammer is the most common tool?
I don't know if it's the math itself or the act of doing the calculations. All of the questions are simple addition. Would it make any difference if they were subtraction or mixed addition and subtraction? I don't think so but I don't know.
"In the past, psychological research has found that men perceive women wearing red (like de Burgh’s lady) as more sexually receptive, due to the “biologically based predisposition to receive red as a sexual signal" "in a recent study, Ohio State University researchers gave people a clicker and were asked to hit one of three buttons on it—sex, food, sleep—every time the thought of one of those things came to mind. Their study showed that the average man had 19 thoughts about sex in a day. " Best not to over think things....do the math.
Only 19? I somebody gave me a clicker like that every time I saw the clicker it would remind me to think of sex.
That's correct. If I was told to click whenever, then I'd just have to click it all the time since they put that thought in your head. Need a better test in an unaffected environment. Guys think about sex sorta indirectly whenever they see a decent looking chick. So all the the time. I'm speaking for all guys btw.
blue screwdriver and I know I think outside the box because I think I look good in my full length orange and black pimp coat and my eagle mask. It scares the kids at Halloween that's for sure.