Does Limbaugh ever give the opposing view a voice? No. Does Ann Coulter?. Both extremes think that the other extreme are all devils, intelectually inferior, and Anit-American. Those of us in the middle think both extremes are the problem. Conservatives and liberals are flip sides of the same coin and guilty of the same excesses.
Are you telling me that Ward Churchill and many other teachers don't teach political correctness and that Repubicans are bad? What was that class Ward Churchill was teaching?:yelwink2: :lol: I've talked to a lot of young people and have also read news where their education has failed to teach them basics such as reading, writing, math and history. Are you saying this is incorrect?:lol:
:lol: :rofl: Pretty funny, so anyone who notices how intolerant liberals are extremist. An extremist is one who tries to act neutral who actually is on one side or the other. Nope, the extremist are people who try and shut people up because they can't argue their point of view and win. Like the woman in the story above who wants people to lose their license because they won't believe what she wants them too. An extremist is anyone who advocates taking people's rights away like many on the left, gun control, remember New Orleans after Katrina? Fairness doctrine, I would love to hear what you have to say about this one. You bring up Limbaugh but totally ignore the monopoly of the tv news media. This is because Air America is a big failure. One more thing about Limbaugh since you brought it up. EVERYONE knows where he stands, he doesn't try to play the center like many Liberals do on tv. At least Liberals could come out of hiding and say thats who they are? I say I'll give you free access to Conservative radio but I want the same for tv on your liberal cbs, nbc, abc, Cnn, msnbc. Should I go on? I'm anything but extremist, I don't hide behind a curtain and say I'm something when I'm not.
When I was in the Young Republicans at LSU I was asked to stop attending meetings because I was friends with the president of the student ACLU chapter. Times change.
Interesting, I missed this earlier! I've never heard you say one thing against anything other than Republican and I have been here for 4 years. NEVER!
The republicans have run all three branches of government in that time and have been screwing it up badly, that's why. Now that the democrats are getting back into power, they will be screwing up too, and you'll hear from me plenty. And you haven't been paying attention, either. I've ridiculed Teddy Kennedy and the northeastern liberals for years. They are what have kept the Democrats from moving closer to the middle. I've backed more republicans over the years than democrats. It depends on how moderate the candidate it. I look for pragmatic, center-leaning politicians with some brains. America should have its head examined if it ever elects a C-student as president again.
Oh, c'mon! Are you trying to say that only one kook or teacher does this kind of thing in our society? Get Real? You don't honestly believe that do you?:lol: