Liberals (and the moderate) read at your own risk

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by SabanFan, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    I'm glad to see that we agree on something here but sadly I would rather disagree with you here.
    It seems like most on here that take up for this administration must be socialists since they will take up for this administration at any cost.
    They seem to totally ignore points like this anyway or don't care.

    AIG is back for more money after losing trillions of dollars or whatever the number was.
    It is very depressing that this whole country other than myself and a few individuals have gone insane.
    I miss the good ole days where a failing business would go out of business instead of the government taking control and socializing the private sector.
    We don't have the money nor should we bail out failing companies and yet most people are ok with this?

    Yes, no wonder I have a gloom and doom outlook on this country!:cry:
  2. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Shoot socialists on sight.
  3. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Its about as automatic as seeing a coon during the day. Get the gun.
  4. MLUTiger

    MLUTiger Secular Humanist

    Aug 9, 2001
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    I know we all like to think that every person in Gitmo is a terrorist, but that's simply not the case. They have been branded as such by an Administration that had a lot to gain by sticking people out of the way (but close by) and calling them terrorists despite not actually offering any proof. I highly recommend 'Standard Operation Procedure' as a must watch video. I certainly don't take it for the 100% truth (Isn't everything skewed by someon e's perspective?) but it brings to light some interesting facts and makes some good points.

    Why should we care? Doesn't everyone have the right to due process or are we Iran now? I really feel for the guys who end up representing the real unsavory characters like Charlie Manson, Tim McVeigh, etc. Still, aren't they entitled to representation?

    This is still America, right?

    I am curious if Holder actually participated in representing any of the detainees, though. Can we really be held accountable for everything done by our employer and/or co-workers anyway? Seems pretty dubious to try and spin this into a negative.

    I have nothing against anti-American activists. They do us all a public service and keep the facists at bay. The extremes serve a purpose here and it's 1) to keep those of us in the middle entertained and 2) offseat each other so that neither side becomes the ruling faction.

    Besides, I have to imagine that a former Chief of Staff for any sitting President has been involved in as much intelligence gathering and briefing as staff member and later staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence ()George Tenet, second longest DCI tenure).

    I don't know much about the guy outside of his resume. Supposedly the CIA minions are happy with the choice. He's no Allen Dulles, that's for sure...

    Not sure that there's really any proof of this.

    LOL. Obama goofed on this one. I dopn't care what his excuses are or if they're legit. How do you not discover this when you're vetting a candidate? Big time goof.

    Can't be any worse than the clowns from the previous eight years. personally I was hoping for one of those stodgy Jewish guys like Paul Volker.

    You can't throw a rock in DC without hitting someone being investigated for corruption. Bill Richardson would have been a damn fine Commerce Sec. He's a true moderate.

    Who better to be in charge of finding budget loopholes and eliminating waste that a guy who cheats his taxes? :lol:

    She was confirmed. Must have been more smoke and less fire. She's a great story, raised my migrant workers and earning multiple degrees. Still, I'm not fond of anyone with whom the Labor Unions are happy.

    No cankles though... :thumb:

    I don't know what he was thinking even nominating Daschle. Must have been some favor that was owed. I bet Obama's Administration is secretly breathing a sigh of relief. Daschle is a has been and his tax-cheating should be a surprise to no one.

    Huge disappoint for me with this move by Obama. I didn't really expect him to keep it. You just can't do anything in Washington without lobbyists on staff. I don't understand why he would even make the statement during his campaign. No one's going to hold any candidate's feet to the fire over lobbyists.

    Non-issue. Just change the name at the top of the bill and rearrange the beneficiaries of the pork and you have the past 50 years of National Politics in a nutshell. They just keep adding zeros. We elected them.

    Telemundo has some hawt women though...
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