Oh, please please PLEASE let them hold vigils for the fly and post them on YouTube. I LOVE it when the whackos do that!
thats bs. you can state your position clearly without sending in troops which is what he should have done. yet pigeon-holed himself in a corner with his rhetoric the friday before. the people uprising needed to know where we stood, overtly to continue the cause. these are 17 and 18 yr old kids wanting a taste of democracy. disagree wholeheartedly. not sure the magnitude of this but props to all the tweets. clearly not the case. im much much more smarter than obama on economic policy in almost all facets. he couldnt be more of a detriment to this economy if he tried. which might be whats happening. also, making a public statement denouncing tyranny is exactly what I would have done to fan the flames. n korea is mocking your boy and US in the process by firing off their missiles like bottle rockets. i agree that we shouldnt be directly involved. a clear statement on our position is all i asked.
Ronald Reagan could make a statement without even saying a word. Obama is no Ronald Reagan...:wink: Anybody still have an old F*** Iran t-shirt with Mickey Mouse flipping them off? (early 80s) Carter was weak but the Middle East wanted no part of Reagan. I don't think any terrorist or crazed leader fears Obama. They shouldn't because many in his party would rather "Make Love, Not War". :dis:
What are you talking about? Obama can do anything he wants. Not particularly convincing responses, old fellow. Rash and impulsive, just like Georgie. No consideration of cause and effect. I wouldn't elect you dogcatcher. Look, if Obama was to come out and openly side with the protesters in Tehran and against whom the government-backed militia has unleashed terror, he will give the hardliners reason to crack down hard on the dissenters, typifying them as puppets of America. We want this protest to boil a long time, not get squashed tomorrow. North Korea is mocking the whole damn world and they have been for many decades. They detonated a nuclear bomb under your boy and he didn't do squat about it. Sometimes you have to be patient and let the enemy dig his hole deeper. If we go to war with North Korea, it must be on our timetable, following our plans, and under our control. Overreaction to belligerent threats is playing into their hands. Then just watch the news, amigo: Monday: Tuesday: Obama urges investigation of Iran election Yesterday: Today: Obama to Iran's leaders: Stop 'unjust' actions What else do you want?
None of it matters. The UN won't do squat - because it's a useless, utopian idea of an organization based on a flawed view of human nature. Europe won't do squat because they're further down the passivist course than we are. And we won't do squat because Iran is a huge country with Western military training, reasonable equipment, a lot of oil, and powerful friends. So - talk is cheap and pretty much window dressing. No way Obama backs anything up with action until the UN sanctions it, which would take until never. "I am deeply troubled by the violence that I've been seing on television." Amateur hour. Seriously. Who cares what you're deeply troubled about. Condemn it. And then either shut your trap or make a threat that you intend to backup. Noone gives a crap if you yourself are deeply troubled. That's a personal problem.
So everyone that was saying Friday Obama was doing the right thing by not commenting now think he is doing the right thing being more vocal today and yesterday? :huh:
No, Obama is striking the right balance between condemning the Iranian suppression of public demonstrations without suggesting that the US is trying to interfere in the outcome of Iranian elections. Mousavi was part of the 1979 Iranian revolution just like Ahmahnutjob. His followers are NOT pro-American, they are fierce Nationalists just like Ahmadinejads Iranians. Ahmadinejad WANTS the US to interfere to distract the Itanian people from internal dissent to protecting their country from foreign domination. Homie don't play that.
I have an "Ayotallah *********ah" T-shirt from back then. It has a picture of Ayotollah Khomeini on it, but it works for any Ayotallah like Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i, Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, or even Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Sādiq as-Sadr Edit: Man those stars suck. The shirt has an alternate word for butt and the word hollah after that.