Things have certainly changed since the days of Roosevelt and the press never photographed him in his wheelchair or being lifted into a car or train or anything. Now the internet provides tons of amateur media all looking for their 15 minutes.
Here are a few more republicans who agree with Obama. If this is not the position, what should he be saying?
What do we gain by making the Iranians think that WE want to interfere with their dispute? Let them fight each other! Let the Iranian people gain freedom for themselves. You can't threaten a country to become democratic, the people have to do it for themselves, as we did. This may be happening right now. The Iranian people are doing the right thing. The Iranians and the world is under no doubts where the US stands on Iran. There is no need to give Ahmadinejad what he wants--an excuse to blame all of the unrest on America. Obama is smarter than that.
Ahhhh, the good ole days. I'm not convinced that this Mousavi dude is any different/better than Achmanwhatever. The Mullahs run the country and there's noting to be gained by staking out a position at this point. I agree with Red on this one.
I agree here, if we start poking our nose in it and trying to bully our way into that mess it can only end badly. The overthrow of ahmaknucklehead has been talked about for years. In fact from what I understand it is sort of what we have been waiting for, for Iran to fall apart from the inside out. Well it seems to be on the cusp of happening so lets grab a cooler and a lawn chair and watch the fun.
Why does voicing your ideals on this specific issue mean that we are interfering or threatening Iran? Obama has always chosen his words carefully. If he is as smart as you think he is there is no reason he cant fuel that fire without Ahmadinejad being able to blame their unrest on us. This election is/was a great opportunity to get Iran out of supporting our enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan. Supporting this uprising is in our best interests.
hey, thats what O said. evidently they differ most on domestic policy. __________ it would seem to me that people that scoff at O for all the "hope" talk as just talk, should not get their panties in a wad on Os statements about iran.
It doesn't but it will be perceived that way by the Iranians, we've seen it before. I think he is speaking very carefully for Iranian public consumption. Our efforts to keep Twitter and other internet communication open is covert help. I suspect a lot more is also going on covertly. This is the smart way. Exactly. If they thought we were sincerely supporting their democratic ambitions, Iranian public opinion would be good. But supporting the democratic protests will be correctly perceived as encouraging an "uprising" to diminish Iran itself and being in our best interests. Gravity will take down an unstable wall alone, it is dangerous to jump up and down on it to hurry the process.
Yep, and JFK was famous for having installed the swimming pool at the White House. He was known to love the water, but the press would never photo him until he was in up to his neck. This was because he wore a back brace due to the injury he suffered in the PT 109 incident. In an unrelated incident, I just read the story about PETA being upset that Pres. Obama killed a fly on camera. Different world we live in.
i thought there was no chance you were serious, so looked it up. i guess you are right. i guess flies are precious just like all god's creatures.