You're so star struck by Obama any time anyone says anything negative about him or questions something he does you get your panties in a wad and go into full defense mode. Maybe when/if you ever get over your man crush for him you will be able to discuss things with a little more open mind. Until then I'm sure you will be trolling all political threads defending Obama's honor like his flaming gay lover. Who knows one day you may even be able to think for yourself.
You have a strange infatuation with talking about being gay and things related to homosexuality. Are you trying to come out here? If you really read all of my post, you will see there at least 5 different things as we speak that I dont agree with Obama on. But I really dont have to explain that to you. Your main point here is to issue insults over the internet. What a tuff guy you are. :thumb:
Typical double standard. Bush has bowed to Queen Elizabeth and no hysteria erupted. Hell, bowing is like shaking hands in Japan. You make too much of it, by saying a small bow by Obama is "licking the Saudi King's shoes". Especially when the conservatives hero, Dubya, is licking his tonsils.
Say Pal.....after you are done calling MM a moron, could you please show me where Ahmadinejad is in the clip that you posted? Maybe I'm missing something. :huh:
I hate all of this crap. Pull one frame from 7 hours of tape and spend hours wanking over it. This is exactly why the media is such a huge pile of crap. They do this for a living - cherry picking, spinning, editorial license.
Yep, you're missing something it's what is going to happen when they, he bowed to one and he'll bow to the other. No one ever said that was Ahmadinejad, it's a preview of what will happen.
Obama has painted himself into a bit of a corner with Iran. He desperately wants to throttle back the rhetoric of the Bush years but by doing so he cant call a spade a spade regarding this election and his stated commitment to governments that reflect the will of the people. These are supposed to be his ideals but he cant say a damn thing right now about Iran. What Obama said a year or more ago about Israel isnt really important anymore. The signals he seems to be sending towards Israel through his speeches in the Muslim world cant be giving them a warm fuzzy about now. Its hard to say this is bad foreign policy or bad diplomacy because there is none as it relates to Iran. It's also hard to stand back and watch a corrupt regime guilty of promoting violence against Americans rob their own people of an election. An election that might have been a major benefit towards our efforts in the middle east. We should be voicing our opinion but Obama simply can't do it because of the path he already laid down.
whatever happened to the days of sending in seals covertly to "take care" of people we didn't want in power? or did i just watch too many 80's and 90's action movies.