Without a doubt. Networks that put the Trev Alberts of the world on the air would jump in a heartbeat for a Tim Floyd! :cry:
You are wrong! If you read my 1st post here I just suggested that poster A should chill out. I didn't assume responsibility but then poster A attacked me for my views then I responded back . It helps if you read the threads Dude! I haven't said 1 negative thing about Brady once Basketball season ended. I haven't said 1 negative thing about Smoke. I have stuck up for Smoke here because Skip hand picked him for the job and no one knows better than Skip about that position. I said before, no one could replace Skip but its alot easier replacing a coach in basketball at this school than football or baseball because the expectations are lower in basketball.
These posts just taken from Tigerroar : LSUDAN says: FIRE SMOKE. FIRE SMOKE. FIRE FAT BASTURD. FIRE FAT BASTURD. FIRE LARD A$$. FIRE LARD A$$. Maybe if Skip would give fat bastard incentive to win Friday games by giving him coupons for free food, I think we will never lose another Friday game. The Malaysian Tiger says: Stick a Fork in Smoke because he is done!!! Completely!! Null says: the players don't want to play for that lard a$$. Total lack of consistency, drive, and focus. THESE are the type of posts that I refer to.... How can anyone post garbage like that and not expect people to react? Well thought out posts written in decent language is one thing, criticizing the team or making observations.... but this kind of stuff is completely uncalled for.
Do you mean the parts below the title where there is a lot of text? Oh, I suppose I should read that stuff next time. Wait a minute, how the heck could I have responded directly to info within the thread if I had not read it? After reading other threads as well, it would seem as if you're in a mood tonight because you are kinda on a mini-rampage tonight. It happens to us all, no big deal.
I'll give you that Sportsfreak, I'm sorry. I didn't know if thats the case because I DON'T READ that stuff. I didn't know that stuff existed, I thought you were just talking about the normal kind or responses. i apologize if thats the case but why read that garbage? Some people will always say that kinda stuff no matter what happens. I Won't read that kind of stuff ever!
You tried to say I took responsibility in my first thread and all I was doing is to tell someone to chill a little. I didn't assume responsibility until I was inserted in the mix for my views. So you couldn't have read that now could you? You just assumed that unless I've misunderstood somehow? Okay, Maybe I'm confused I will be quiet now and just read. I'm Sorry, Okay? No big deal here either, my fault :dis:
Is that a fact? I just thought some person around here needed to chill a little and said something to that effect. What actually happened is people interpret things how they see fit but thats just what I got for coming on here in a good mood and it changed because of the situation around here sometimes.. :dis: People need to lighten up sometimes, its not like the baseball team isn't ranked and losing every game....
c'mon? I almsot want to laugh at that statement since he left the team high and dry after his co-ed antics. but personal issues aside, floyd put iowa state on the map and built that program. eustachy just took the torch and did a good job of keeping the program solid. there's no denying that tim floyd is a good college coach.
If you laughed at that statement then it had the desired effect. (I purposely put a lot of grins after it to help make that understood) Eustachy's sordid legacy is now part of college coaching folklore, like Mike Price's... THAT was MY point.