Dude, chill out. You really have an attitude problem and it shows You have to constantly come on any post about a coach and take jabs at people. You never have anything constructive to say about situations other than attacking other members for thier views. I bet if it was up to you Dinardo would still be the football coach at LSU. Are you actually John Brady? I'm sorry, I don't mean to attack you but your posts attacking other members and your attitude is just not good.
Lets see.... my attitude sucks because I "attack" other members. Does that mean that the people who "attack" players and coaches personally have a good attitude? People come on here every time we lose and bitch, cry, and moan about everything, but don't want people to criticize THEM. Sounds to me like a bunch of armchair quarterbacks who sit at their keyboards, act like they know everything and CAN DISH IT OUT BUT CAN'T TAKE IT. I guess people don't like someone looking over their shoulder every day while they work and pick apart every move they make. Sounds to me a bit hypocritical. Finally, yes.... I do have an attitude problem... looks to me like you are bitter towards John Brady, since you think I am him. I guess it's ok for people to take jabs at certain people... because you just did it and proved my point. You let your HATRED of Brady come out, and use it to jab at me. Take your own advice, or shut up, as your comments hardly seem constructive.
What's worse? Someone who defends attacks on our coach or someone else who attacks the person who defends him? What certain people who hate Brady don't get is that there are some who don't necessarily think he is the right guy for the job yet don't think you know what's best either. Some think the current administration may know more than you. Doesn't mean they supported Dinardo to the end or Hallman. That's your faulty assumptions.
Wait just a damn minute, who knows more than me????????? Give me names!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Sorry. let me rephrase that. Besides TT there is no one who knows more. That's already established. lol
I was kind of wishing..... our standards for an eventual replacement would be a tad higher. Floyd is missing something, but I just can't put my finger on it. Easy kid. Easy.
Personnally I don't have anything against John Brady. I don't hate Brady. I have asked legimate questions about circumstances that happened this season. I also had some constructive ideas. I don't think Brady is the future of LSU basketball, we will find that out one way or another soon enough. You have no ideas other than attacking others, I at least have ideas in my posts. You are the one using hatred not me, find one post where I said that I hated Brady, go ahead and waste your time :grin: Read your own post, theres more hate in it! :grin: I never said your attitude sucked, I think you just need to chill a little bit that is all. When is the last post I posted about Brady?? You never stop I do. I let it go, I don't hate Brady and figure we will find out what happens with Brady soon enough, he will hang or save himself soon enough. LOL I was just joking when I asked if you were John Brady :grin:
What is interesting to me about this thread is: Poster "A" refers to the "usual suspects". Poster "B" immediately assumes responsibility for being a "usual suspect" without being named directly. As for Tim Floyd... Lets hope he goes on to have a good career... in sports commentating.
Ya think he has the voice for it? lol Do you think LSU would really offer this guy the job if available? Something tells me no but I also get the feeling its a possibility meaning I'm not ruling it out.