How can even the dimmest among us, whether Democrat, Republican, Anarchist, whatever, not be appalled and disgusted by cutting $800+ billion from the poor (Medicaid) and giving $600+ billion tax break to those making $250k a year? I honestly cannot imagine being "for" such chicanery. Regardless of your views on pre-existing conditions, the narrow focus of this tax cut is beyond words. As Joe Scarborough said this morning, "The Democrats biggest problem will be convincing voters the GOP really did this."
Yeah just seeing them high five each other in the rose garden made my stomach turn. Paul Ryan especially, I can't stand that fucker. I think I dislike him more than Trump. Trump can't help himself, he is a typical spoiled rich fuck brash New York dickbag that has never known a day of want in his life. Paul Ryan though, he should be more in tune with the needs and struggles of normal people.
It is not in the least bit surprising that Republican congressmen would support kickbacks to their fatcat donors. What I find truly remarkable, though, is how easily they get away with it among middle class and poor white trash voters. Those miserable white folks are convinced that "freeloaders" of other ethnic backgrounds are what's holding them down, unable to understand that the pennies we give to poor folks 1) protect themselves, even when some people occasionally rig the system to gain their extra 50 bucks per month, 2) is chump change compared to the hundreds of billions channeled back to folks whom they can never, ever rise to be, and 3) it's that big money to rich folks which is the real cause of their financial oppression. I'll illustrate the point: we pay TWICE on average per citizen for health care in this country as the rest of the world, while at the same time tens of millions of our citizens go uncovered and we rank 41st in the world in the overall quality of our system. WHY? Because pigs in Washington have kept private insurance companies as the central aspect of that system. WHY? Because those pigs are bribed by those insurance companies, who make billions in profits that ADD NOTHING TO THE PRODUCTIVITY of the system.
There are some pretty pitiful people on MEDICAID. These include practically every waitress (with kids) where my daughter WORKS.
Let me just briefly mention that our Senator from Louisiana, John Kennedy, got made to look like the fool he is by James Clapper and Sally Yates in today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing... and even got laughed at by the crowd in attendance. What a tool.