If the tigers keep playing the way they did monday he'll be the original 1 season wonder. I was at the UAB game in Saban's first year and it felt very similar, but the Italian Stallion - ie dumbardo left him with a lot of work to do...especially Lou Tepper. You can't sit on the ball in the SEC. Maybe he'll learn, maybe he won't, but if he doesn't change his ways he'll have a very short stay here in BR.
I expect 2 or 3 more losses for LSU football this season and bowl season. I'm not going to whine about it or get emotional in any way. I don't want to be negative . . . I just want to make a prediction based on what I've seen in these first two games, and I predict 2 or 3 more losses. This coaching staff is together for their first season. This coaching staff had to be hired quickly and long after the time that all other teams looking for new coaching staffs had already completed their hires. It is perfectly reasonable for LSU to take a step or two back from where we were with Saban, and I think it's pretty clear that we have. Whether we can catch back up to where we were is an open question that I don't have the answer to. I know that our current staff and players will work as hard as humanly possible to be completely successful. I'm thankful for that. Could be that, if some changes are made in the coaching staff, that Bo will be the first to go. I only make this "guess" based on the fact that, while at Oklahoma, the pass defense ranking there under Bo's tutelage dropped from #7 to #50. I remember reading on Ok message boards when we made the hire, and found that nobody had anything good to say about Bo there. My "research" does not mean much, but, that's what I saw. I know that Bo, Les and everybody else will work very hard to be completely successful. I will always be thankful to them for that. I do not believe in booing at the games or senseless bashing on message boards. As I have said previously, LSU's new coaching staff is a work in progress . . . . . . that's how I see it.
I see it pretty much the same way, Jean. Just trying to stay positive for MSU game. With the talent, coaching and execution I saw in the first half, we looked like the champs of two years ago. I mean come on, 21-0 at half against Tennessee. With a little luck it should have been 28-0 & out of reach. It's obvious that LSU coaching on both sides of the football went conservative in the second half and combined with the turnovers and poor execution, LSU lost. Unfortunately, this is not Les Miles first game where his teams have blown a huge lead. We'll see if LSU coaching can improve over the next few weeks and instill some confidence into the players after a tough loss. They'll need the confidence to handle back to back games against Florida and Auburn. Just hoping this team can somehow find a way to improve and learn from its mistakes and make it to Atlanta in December.
Yep. As a few people mentioned before me, he blew a 28 pt lead to Texas last year. After it was all said and done, we lost 49-21, the biggest comeback in Texas football history. But it doesn't end there, at our season opener in 2002, we were up 36-18 at the end of the 3rd quarter, and Les still managed to choke. We lost that one 39-36. I think most of us were glad to unload Miles after our disaster at Texas and the Alamo Bowl last season, I'm just sorry to see that you guys may have inherited our problem....LSU is one hell of a team and I have a lot of respect for your program. Watch out for Miles running his mouth at press conferences too, the man doesn't know when to shut up and more than once we came off looking like a bunch of "aggie morons"... :geauxtige
What contributed to those slips? Was it conservative offense? Passive defense? Or finally the better team got their act together and won? Obviously, most of us are quite curious, even at this early junction. And welcome to the board
or the morons that wanted to keep dinardo. I know this forum is post dinardo, but I bet the same folks that are defending les miles are the ones who defended gerry d. I just can not accept the inevitable, mediocrity. I wonder if butch davis would reconsider lsu.
Just a point of reference...at the time, Dinardo was a significant upgrade from what we had for years before him.