I heard Hanny and Ott earlier on 104.5. those dudes are pretty bad alone yet its amazing how good they are together. just like they used to be. and even stated that they were good friends. its like a gay marriage that works.
"we thought about Lee, we didn't use him because if we score once we are back in the game, and we wanted the guy with the legs" "this team is a team of champions, we will hang the SEC championship banner in the spring, in the indoor practice facility" everything else has been coach speak.
Did he just say, a bunch of guys make uncharacteristic mistakes, not the quarterback? Did I just hear that?
Ok, he just said he is good at making 1st and 10 calls, but the 3rd and long calls are a little more dicey... Does that mean he calls the plays????
"hindsight being 20/20 I would have changed the first play call, and the other play calls" Wow, I think the age old question has been answered. He also said no personal slight had anything to do with Jarrett Lee not playing.
Maybe it's because the QB was making "characteristic" mistakes, but the rest of the team usually didn't play so poorly?