Les Miles and his COWARDLY actions

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Crip*TEAM KATT, Nov 21, 2009.

  1. downtown

    downtown Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    I was being sarcastic about the Michigan stuff because he did say that he didn't have any contact with them. Well, did he or didn't he have contact with them before the SEC Championship game? Either way I think he was upset about how the whole situation unfolded and he handled the whole thing with as much class as possible.

    He didn't do as well with the DiNardo recruits as you expected? What did you expect? Yes, DiNardo did have awesome recruits, but they were all screwed in the brain from the Tepper D experience, etc. Saban had to build morale, install a totally new D and develop the QBs. He did all of that. I didn't think we were that good in his last season at LSU, but we still finished 9-3. Saban had his down games too. People forget that. But Saban was excellent at utilizing his talent. I do agree about his performance at Bama. He has exceeded my expectations there. But they still haven't won the biggest games yet. Who knows, maybe this will be his year. I hope not.

    But LSU fans don't care about the other guys doing worse. They care about LSU's coach. They pay good money to watch LSU and they do ultimately matter. That's the bottom line.

    And no, there aren't people getting paid less than me bitching about me sucking at my job. I'm unemployed. Haha... I had to go there.

    I'm happy with what he has done, but I don't think many are happy with what he is doing.

    He sort of called out the fans last week after a bad coaching job and this week was much worse. The bottom line is that when you're in a high profile position and you make millions, the people that help you make that $ are going to have certain expectations (realistic or not).
  2. rockwallfan

    rockwallfan Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2008
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    OMG! Do we have some wishy washy fans here, or what! I've been up a few hours and when I first began reading these it was 100% to fire CLM and Crowton. Now it seems you're ready to give him a raise. Face it guys, if we did not have the talent we have on this team we would have lost more that 50% of our games to date simply because we have been outplayed in more than 50% of our games. Our talent, not our coaching, has pulled us through in the last minutes of several games this year. Our coaching has, for lack of a better word, sucked! And the multiple screwups in this game just further proves the point. Had some of our other victories actually ended up being defeats this uproar would have occurred earlier. With good stratagy, good play calling and good time management we could very well be undefeated. I refuse to believe either Florida or Alabama could not have been beaten when we played them. Our coaching failed us with Florida. We weren't prepared to play them and our offensive game plan, again, was less than dismal. And even though we played better against Alabama, we should've at least had a chance at beating them had correct calls been made by the officials. These were the number one and two ranked teams in country! Without looking at the schedule I remember we were outplayed by Washington, Mississippi State and Louisiana Tech. May have been more. We've played ONE good game that resulted in victory that I remember and that was against Auburn. I can't remember any other game we've played well in (close to our potential that is...which excludes ULL) and we've now played, I believe, 10 games. It seems every team we've played against has played well. Is that just coinsidence, or are we being outcoached week-in/week-out? I'm afraid of what Arkansas is going to do to us...or will we open the offense one more time because coaches are feeling the heat. Great coaches do not make the kind of game management mistakes CLM and Crowton make. That's just how it is. And talk about lack of creativity...it's often so boring to watch our games even though we have the perhaps the best tandem of receivers in the country. How can that be?

    Can you imagine Meyer or Saban making the comedy of errors toward the end of a game as CLM did last night? I don't think there's a chance in hell of that happening. Some of you guys appear to be willing to be mediocre rather than having a coach who has his team disciplined and prepared for any game, any situation. One recurring argument is, "but our coach has good character". Well that and $4 will buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I'll bet there is not one program in the country that would not have Meyer and Saban in their top 3 coaches if they had their wishes. I see 4 million reasons to expect the same of our coach. Just look at what the media is saying today about our play. Put on those rose colored glasses and argue that they just don't understand.

    One other thing, I believe CLM is a goner after this year anyway...by his own choosing. UM is where his heart is. I just hope we don't lose Chavis, Porter, our recruiting base and our strength coach.
  3. SabanSux

    SabanSux Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    That sux. Our economy should get better soon (hopefully)
  4. SabanSux

    SabanSux Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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  5. downtown

    downtown Founding Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Just messing around... I thought it was a good line. Although in this economy, many of us aren't that far from being unemployed.

    To be positive before retiring for the night, we could still finish with 10 wins if we win Saturday and in the bowl. It doesn't look very good for Saturday, but you never know. I'm tired of losing to Arkansas. We need to move them to the beginning of the season when they suck every year. Too bad that ain't happening... Arkansas isn't great, we've just got to play much better to beat them. Here's to positive thinking! Although that didn't work for me last week with Lee. But I can still hope...
  6. SabanSux

    SabanSux Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    I didn't expect us to blow out Auburn, and we did. Doing the same to Arr-Kansas would be nice.
  7. SabanSux

    SabanSux Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    At least from this thread, add:

    Bengal Buddy

    As for the list of the fools in this thread:

    Crip*TEAM KATT, by far. What a traitor tonight. Scroll up and read all his nonsense in this thread he started here tonight. Embarrassment tonight.


    Dishonorable Mentions:

  8. DwayneBowned

    DwayneBowned Founding Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    I currently attend LSU, I don't have a salary. Unless getting minimum wage sitting behind a desk at a department office counts, but I mostly just do my homework.

    But yes, if I was CEO of a big corporation or something and I messed up, I would fully expect to face the music. Same as Les Miles should expect to be criticized severely when he messes up. It goes with the territory.
  9. SabanSux

    SabanSux Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    Well, "if if if" is just "if if if."

    When you get a real job, you can talk about people that have real jobs. Until then, good luck with your studies. Also, quit being such a traitor to the school you go to.
  10. DisplacedLSUFan

    DisplacedLSUFan Veteran Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    Just because you support your players and disagree with your coach does not make you a traitor.

    And your list of "traitors" is laughable. Someone could just as easily make a list of posters that wear blinders, but what point would that serve?

    What would Les have to do in order for YOU to turn on him? Leave for the NFL?

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