Well, semi-outside perspective. I have followed LSU football since I can remember (my entire family is from SW MS or LA)....I'm just trying to take a common sense perspective (we don't want another Gerry DiNardo, do we?) There are people in my family too, though, who were calling for Miles' head this year. I had to convince them that he is a good coach through all these stats that I posted here, too.....and some are still unsure.
How many teams with a winning record did we play at home this year. You're just looking for negatives, as usual. About the best you can do is to win them all. Les didn't choose whom to play against. His team just showed up every week and played whatever team showed up to play them. The bottom line is wins and losses. Everything else is just fodder for discussion.
this is not the NFL where your win-loss record determines if you make the playoffs. I know you're happy with just a winning record and that would be fine if this were the UL forum. But we're PHUCKING LSU and we SHOULD, let me repeat, SSSSSHHHHHHHOOOOOUUUUUUULLLLLLDDDDDDD be PHUCKING UNDEFEATED and in the NC game. And we all know that doesn't happen often, but when you have the chance to win it all, you have to take it. I know you're the type of person that "settles" so take your A$$ to the UL forum.