I don't get the debate back and forth about this topic. Seems like I have read threads nearly every year talking about fans leaving early. First I would like to say if I were regularly attending games these days I would stay for every second. But most importantly the person paying for the ticket should be the ones determining when they leave. If they have the money to blow and not spend the entire time at the game then so be it. It does not hurt us in any way shape or form. As a matter of fact, I am sure with the sales of those tickets we are actually making money instead of losing it.
I like when people leave early. It means LSU is winning big, and I get to move to better seats once they become avaliable.
I've seen that personally on two of my three visits to DV, Red. Sucks to see it too. (The exception was our home win over the Gumps on 11.06.2010; nobody left that one early, fo' schizzle).
My father has season tix for 50 years..50 freakin years. Same seats, same section. He gives it his all just to make it to maybe 2 games a season. It's gotten very difficult for him to even make it up the steps. He usually makes it to the 3rd quarter. It doesn't make the stadium look good, but some Tiger Fans are not quite as healthy as others. Think about this some time when you see folks throwing insults at some people who are "packing it in early". I'm glad to see him go- even if it is for just a few hours. It's painful, but it makes him happy.
God Bless your dad. They're obviously not talking about him. It's people like me who run out that they're talking about.
Maybe one day Tiger fans will let other Tiger fans support the team as they see fit without trying to piss on how others choose to come and go. There's dozens of reasons why people might leave early, and not a damn one if them is anyone else's business or should hurt their enjoyment of how they watch the game. I usually stay. Sometimes I've left. Screw anyone who has a problem with either decision.
Then I admire your dad for being able to do that. And certainly there are others that have legitimate reasons for leaving early. But its very doubtful that 60,000 ticket holders are in the same condition. Certainly the students can't say that.
This weekend was opening weekend of teal season. There were a group of young guys camping not far from where I live. They spent the better part of Friday mud-riddin in a rice field. One of them ended up with the front end of their truck in a canal and under water. The others rode and rode in mud and their trucks were literally covered with mud- not to mention the wear they put on their motors, tire rod ends, etc. I never put my trucks in the mud needlessly but I figure they can do what they want with theirs since I don't have to pay for it.