This forum is pretty good about being civil. You can get into a heated argument with someone one day and the next post a question and that same guy will get you the info before anyone else. With that said, I can't wait 'till we argue about plays instead of words. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!
Your point is well received red55, in that you have the right to express whatever opinion you'd like, free from lecturing. Let's remember though, that unlike most other threads, the actual subject of this one was Lavalias' comments concerning the effect of fan negativity on the players. So sure, you're free to express a negative opinion, and it doesn't mean you're not a fan. But please don't accuse me of getting on a soapbox and lecturing at the first sign of a negative comment from any LSU fan, because that's exactly what this thread was about. Regardless, I think we'd all agree that bickering among fans doesn't help anybody, so I'm sorry for any offense, and I didn't mean to question your loyalty. Like you said, we're all pulling for the same team here.
That's what I love about this forum. Even when things get heated they still stay relatively civil. As was said, we're all LSU fans. Let's focus our energy on our SEC foes and LET'S PLAY SOME FOOTBALL!!!
If I was Nick Saban or any LSU player I would challenge LSU fan's to have Tiger Stadium the loudest it ever been for the Georgia game. So we can put an end to this day time jinx. Both teams have to play at the same time.
We should'nt boo, these kids don't get paid. And if you leave a game early for any reason besides death in the family you should be shot.
First, I don’t think you can judge how much of an LSU fan someone is by asking if they boo or not. Personally, I have never booed a LSU Football Team in Tiger Stadium. My reason is simple, when I was an undergrad I knew many of the players fairly well. I saw how hard they worked and how much they went through on and off the field while playing football for LSU. Even during the last 2 Dinardo years these guys still played hard on the field. I didn’t boo then, and I still don’t although I only know a few players now. I know at times the team does play bad, and I do understand people get frustrated, but it is a lot harder to boo if you think of the players as people, who have friend and family at the game too.
I can't believe that some of you out there can honestly condemn this young man who has lost more blood that at least 99% of us on this board for not cheering. In the same breathe that you say that you can speak your mind and boo if you want to, you say that it was wrong of him to "call out" the Tiger fans. If you were Tiger fans, then you would agree with him and encourage others to be supportive. But, I can hear some of you know, "I am supportive even if I do Boo." Well if you think that these kids that give everything that they have to us (who they don't even know) think that 70,000 people booing are being supportive then you have got to be a moron! Some of you on this board have got your nerve. These kids aren't stupid. You can't tell them that you are booing a "well paid coach" when you boo after a fumble or a missed tackle. WOULD YOU YELL AT YOUR KID FOR THESE SAME MISTAKES OR EVEN BETTER WOULD YOU ALLOW SOMEONE ELSE TO YELL AT YOUR KID FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS. I agree with some of these people on this board. If you can't go and be supportive all of the time, then don't go. Stay your ass home and Boo your own kids.
I won't get caught up in this schoolyard rant. Where do they get this stuff? I'll just point this out: 1. There ain't one post on this thread that advocates booing. I brought out some of the reasons people do boo, because it was the topic. If anyone read the whole post, I said booing hurts the players and most of it comes from the student section. 2. There ain't one post on this thread that "condemns" anybody. I said I was a "little disappointed" at a players public comments to a reporter, that's all. Some people agreed. It was the topic. One guy actually says that anybody who can't whip Chads ass has no right to comment. Might as well shut down the board, Brett. I'm out of this thread. Its way off topic. Let it die.