Lavalais' fan comment

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by MikebTiger, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. TigerLifer3

    TigerLifer3 Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Re: ???

    I double dog dare any of you who are bitching about Lavalais to say all of this junk to his face. My mom lives in Pineville which isn't too far from Marksville and is a regular at the Casino in Marksville. One night we were over there at the Resturant at the Casino and Mr. Lavalais and rest of his family came in to eat and this dude is huge. I don't think any of you would say shit other than yes sir, no sir, and you play great keep up the good work to him. yall be too scared to say that crap to him in real life.
  2. texascajun

    texascajun Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Right on red! Blind allegiance leads to ignorance. Questions leads to enlightenment and knowledge. Question everything. I love my country too. Just because I question some of things we do doesn't mean I don't love and support my country. Same for the tigers. Obviously, the cabin fever is leading everyone to dissect every bit of tiger minutia. This is an open forum for ALL opinions and no one is better than the other. You dare to speak ill of the tiger, traitor! Geez, is Ann Coulter lurking on the board too?
  3. texascajun

    texascajun Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    So LAV can question us but we can't him? Another holier than thou nopinion.
  4. There is a big difference between questioning a play call, wondering why one player is in the game over another, etc. and booing while the game is going on.

    I enjoy the discussions that happen here after games that nitpick this, that and the other about what happened. Same for the calls that are constructively inquisitive on the post game shows. These boards and radio shows allow people to be specific in their comments and who is the recipient of their criticism/frustration. Booing makes it look like the whole fan base is displeased, which is not a good message.

    Constructive criticism - good. Genuine curiosity - good. Disagreeing with the coaches - fine. Booing does not communicate these feelings clearly enough.

    I don't think Lavalais was saying "if you don't like what you see, shut your pie hole". I think his point is to think about the unintended effects your words/actions might have. Good advice for all of life's situations.
  5. texascajun

    texascajun Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Another life's lesson is persevere thru adversity. Personally, I think there will alot more cheering than booing in tiger town. Ever since Saban came I haven't heard hardly any negative comments towards the team. And in my opinion the last several years there has been nothing but overwhelming support from tiger fans.
  6. Ole War Skule

    Ole War Skule Founding Member

    Sep 10, 2002
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    agreed, so what in the heck was Lavalais complaining about?
  7. TigerLifer3

    TigerLifer3 Founding Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    like during the bama game and the score is 31-0 and halfway during 3rd quarter you see mass exodus out of tiger stadium and only word the ppl know leaving is boo.
  8. Gorilla

    Gorilla Founding Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    There is no justification for booing in your own stadium. Don't give me any BS about it being "directed at the coaches" - booing has the same negative effect on everyone, even if the booing idiots intended that it be directed at only certain individuals.

    red55, this business about a player not "backing up his fans" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You Fan ... He Player. You're there to back HIM up, and if you'll do it, you'll find that it will improve his performance and ultimately make YOU happier. So stop booing, and make yourself happier.

    "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
    -Thumper's Mom
  9. texascajun

    texascajun Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Booing during the hall man era? YES. dinardo era? YES. During the Saban era? Not NEARLY as much booing. When you outscore your opponents 247-77 the first 7 games then get outscored 161-94 then next 6 there is gonna be some booing. I don't know any fans in America who would be happy with that. Not that I condone the boos. Leave the consternation for the messageboards and scream like hell in Tiger Stadium. I happen to think that Tiger fans are the best damn fans in college athletics. Bar none! That's why it hurt so bad.
  10. tigermark

    tigermark Rematches suck!

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I don't see anything about booing in his comments. I don't think that he was even thinking about booing. I think that he was talking about silence. When you are used to a wall of noise, the silence conveys a lot to the players. So does an empty stadium. That is what Tiger fans need to work on. Stay the entire game and MAKE NOISE!!!

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