Nah, I backup more than that with articles and evidence people just choose to look the other way. Nah, the Libby thing was totally political. I'm not taking up and won't take up for Bush. Why should I when he didn't even defend himself, not going there. So what? Obama disavowed everyone but his wife and kids. It just showed he would do anything to get elected!:lol: U should know by now that I quit sticking up for Bush and Cheney around their second term. Like I said when Obama was elected, that he would continue some of the same policy I was against and he did. No doubt Obama is worse than Bush and Cheney.
i really only know one thing about that dude, that he is scared of immigrants. dumbass. anywayz tv news is a dead medium, doesn't matter.
Dobbs gradually moved from being a business news anchor to a FOXnews type of "opinion journalism" show. CNN's model is to stick to straight news shows without the editorializing and Dobbs became a worse and worse fit. He just went over the top with the crazy "birther" business and lost all credibility with the network. He wasn't drawing that many viewers anyway. I'm also an independent moderate like Dobbs, but I usually switched him off because his endless preachy sermons on the same few topics bored the crap out of me.
he's not just running for any political office. Lou for Prez! 44 - President Lou Dobbs? Ex-CNNer says he's considering a run