SO yea, if you read the survey, they surveyed at most, 20K people...... Further, the 1st link you posted was dishonest. It said that Obamacare got 9 million. That is false 100%. Secondly, the Rand survey also reports people who bought private insurance NOT RELATED TO OBAMA CARE.......
No, buddy, my source is a Rand independent study. If you actually read the article you would have seen that
I have read it and pointed out the faults.. YOU POSTED FROM MOTHER JONES...... I had to dig to find that Mother Jones Quoted LA Times who took info from Rand... SO please, post some facts.
Wrong. It said that Obamacare enrolled 9 million, which includes the new medicaid and medicare enrollees. Secondly, all insurance is related to Obamacare you jack ass! This illustrates how porous your understanding of the law really is. The fact that you do not understand that all insurance is obamacare insurance at this point is naive. Research the law a little better because whether you signed up through the web site or through blue cross blue shield, you still signed up for insurance under obama care. Wow....just wow. Quit making shit up, regurgitating FOX news and start doing some research for yourself before you put your foot in it again.
I've already done so. Yelling louder doesn't make you any more correct. So take your own advice and do a little checking first
and you still haven't answered my question to you guys: why are you so pissed about people getting health insurance or a law that seems to be working?
Nope, and that claim is wrong.. The WhiteHouse reports 7.1 Million.. Umm, NO.. Further, 4.5 Million went to medicade... I don't read fox.. Any facts to share?
Who says we are pissed? We asked questions. The WhiteHouse reported yesterday on CNN Obamacare signed up 7.1 Million. Of that we don't have any data yet to suggest that it was "NEW" people of those, who is being subsidized.