Right Kluke the pattern of failure of this so called plan is plain, continuous and growing. It was a political act plain and simple. The Ds cared more for making a statement than making an improvement in the way health care is delivered. They continue the political shenanigans by delaying any part of the plan that may cause pain to their constituents and their fools and fellow travelers call for patience rather than acknowledging the obvious that the so called AHCA is not affordable and has nothing to do with health care but more to do with politics. It is clunky, unwieldy and most of all poorly managed. The blather of those who call for patience is but an effort to continue the obfuscation.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottgottlieb/2013/08/21/how-obamacare-will-harm-cancer-patients/ Sounds like shady shit to me.
7 million sign-up target reached. http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20140401/NEWS02/140409957/Obamacare-signups-pass-7-million
So tell me all you AHCA supporters who said it would take years to see if it worked. Has your opinion changed? Is everything perfect with the law? Should we just bow down to the power of the brilliance of the law? Does all the delay of portions of the law that was put in at the last second in mean nothing? If you say so then all your previous comments demanding opponents of the laws wait is so much BS.
Isn't the point to get the uninsured insurance? A few weeks ago, only 14% or so that signed up previously "didn't" have health care coverage. If the point is to add more people to the system to lower costs, then they should have those metrics.
Of the 7million that signed up, almost 6 million of them already had insurance before the passage of the law but lost it because of Obamacare.