Now THAT is funny. I said before I am a Tiger fan..........right after I'm a Trojan for life. :thumb: You sure you didn't mean "tiga" fan? :hihi: Meow.
Extra Innings. About to go to the 9th. Still scoreless. Tenn is beating Bama pretty good. We need Bama to win the last game to give us the SEC Title. Well we need to win our game 1st.
There goes the SEC championship. I guess we route for Tenn so we can be the number 2 seed in the tourney. I presume Alabama and Tenn are not going to make up the extra game they lost from the weather. Bama lucked out. :dis:
I know it's childish but I can't help but giggle when you write that. Double entendre does not begin to explain it....:grin::grin: