i understand that..... Alaska was a real strategic place during the cold war. All of the army and air force bases up there. My cousin was stationed at Elmedorf when I was there and he took me to see an antenna the size of a football field. He said it was used to intercept all Russian transmissions and then interpreted for our intelligence agencies
i lived there twice Valdez 1975-1977 dad worked at pipeline terminal there. Anchorage 1991-1994 Lived there myself. I might go back one day, a really awesome, beautiful and different kind of atmosphere compared to the lower 48
Cool, my sister's friend lived in Alaska for the Summer and said she never wanted to come back. I have to ask, why do you start on a new line instead of going all the way to the end?
I didn't really want to come back either but had to for work. About your question, I don't know? sorry